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Office of the Vice President for Research

  • Image of research equipment with newsletter title and subhead in white text. The white text reads "Weekly Research Update: News and resources from the Office of the Vice President for Research."

Weekly Research Update: Thursday, March 4, 2021

Tomorrow is the last day for presenters and outreach exhibitors to register for Discover UofSC

The first deadline for Discover UofSC 2021 is rapidly approaching. Students, postdocs and medical scholars must sign up by tomorrow to present. Faculty and/or staff who lead campus organizations must also register by tomorrow to host an outreach exhibit. Discover UofSC 2021, a virtual event, is coming up on Friday, April 23.

  • Undergraduate and graduate students, postdocs and medical scholars: Register to present your research, scholarly, creative or leadership project by tomorrow, Friday, March 5.
  • Faculty and staff-led organizations: Register to promote your campus organization in the Outreach Exhibitor Gallery by tomorrow, Friday, March 5.
  • Sign up to attend the iPosterSessions introduction webinar on Wednesday, March 10. This webinar will provide an overview of the iPosterSessions virtual platform and customizable options, which will help presenters and outreach exhibitors get started with creating an iPoster.


NIH has changed the review criteria for NIH Support for Scientific Conferences applications

The National Institutes of Health recently published a blog post discussing applications for conference grants that now require a diversity plan. A recent NIH Guide Notice announced that reviewers will be asked to evaluate the plan and factor it into the overall impact score. The diversity plan will be evaluated as an additional review criterion and will not receive a separate criterion score. The new parent conference grant funding opportunity announcement, published February 10, reflects the new review criteria. Applicants are encouraged to carefully follow the instructions for developing the diversity plan.


Inside Higher Ed Opinion: We must welcome international students again

A new opinion piece in Inside Higher Ed highlights the significant benefits of including international students in American higher education. Written by Robert A. Brown and Andrew Hamilton, presidents of two of the top 10 research universities in terms of international student enrollment, the piece offers a clear view of how much our country gains—scientifically, intellectually, socially and financially—from international students.


U.S. House of Representatives to reinstate the use of earmarks

House Appropriations Chair Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) officially announced the return of earmarks recently, with the Senate expected to follow suit soon. Earmarks have been under a moratorium since 2011. The new earmarks will feature several restrictions, including limits on total earmark expenditures, the number of requests per member and a ban on funding for commercial ventures.


4 March 2021

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.