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Office of the Vice President for Research

Forty-three graduate students selected to receive 2020-2021 SPARC Grants

The Office of the Vice President for Research is pleased to announce the new slate of 2020-2021 SPARC Graduate Research Grant recipients. These 43 graduate students, representing eight academic units, will receive up to $5,000 to complete their meritorious research, creative and scholarly projects in subject areas that range from immersive theater to public health and from energy storage to post-disaster tourism recovery.

Through the SPARC program, graduate students have the opportunity to both gain funding for selected projects and experience drafting and submitting award proposals, budgets and other documentation for review by a panel of faculty from across the university. This valuable experience is designed to help graduate students prepare for a future in research, which often involves applying for funding through similar processes.

Please join the Office of the Vice President for Research in congratulating these promising graduate student scholars.


2020-2021 SPARC Graduate Research Grant Recipients

Recipient Name Department or Program Proposal Title
Sakiru Abiodun Chemistry  Structure and Thermal Stability of Inorganic Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals through High Resolution Microscopy
Kidochukwu Atube Chemical Engineering Development of Phosphatidylserine Presenting Particles for Targeting Macrophages in Tissue Regeneration
Jacob Barber Exercise Science Molecular Foundations of Lipoprotein Response to Exercise
Alexander Barth Biological Sciences Establishing community-based science monitoring of zooplankton communities’ response to harmful algae
Hannah Burzynski Biomedical Sciences Immune Challenges Exacerbate Neuroinflammatory Responses in a Rat Model of Gulf War Illness
Tasha Childs Social Work  Exploring Mental Health Supports during COVID-19 School Reopening: A Qualitative Study
Karlen Correa Environmental Health Sciences Transcriptome sequencing of Vibrio vulnificus exposed to wastewater treatment plant effluent
Jennifer Crooks-Monastra Teaching and Learning Planning and Teaching for Student Learning in Mathematics: How Graduate Student Instructors Develop and Implement Instruction
B. Celia Cui Pharmaceutical Sciences Mathematically guided hypothesis testing for DEAD-Box RNA helicase 3-dependent mechanismof RNA localization to stress granules
Sarah Davis Pharmaceutical Sciences Effects of HIV-1 Tat protein on the extracellular dopamine dynamics in the inducible Tat transgenic mice using fast cyclic voltammetry
Xiaokai Ding Pharmaceutical Sciences Therapeutic Targeting of CDK8/19 in Triple Negative Breast Cancer
Anna Ehrhorn Communications Sciences and Disorders Orthographic Awareness and Phonological Awareness in Children with Speech Sound Disorder
Shirelle Hallum Health Promotion, Education and Behavior Using innovative technologies to advocate for pedestrian infrastructure and address health inequities
Christian Holmes Social Work Exploring Foster Parent Cultural Competence Practice in Transethnic-racial Placements
Kazi Islam Civil Engineering Characterization of Subgrade Soil Behavior for Flexible Pavement Design
OmerFaruk Karadavut Electrical Engineering Machine Learning Assisted High-Resolution CdZnTeSe Semiconductor Based Gamma-ray Spectrometer for Continuous Monitoring of Nuclear Waste Storage Tank
Bezawit Kase Epidemiology  Dietary Index for Gut Microbiota and Associations with Colorectal Cancer and Breast Cancer Risk
Manikanda Raja Keerthi Raja Biological Sciences Understanding Interleukin-1alpha Mediated Immune Suppression in HER2-positive Breast Cancer
Hyunsu Kim Hospitality Management Post-Disaster Recovery Strategies in Tourism Destinations
Allison Kimsey Chemistry  Mechanistic Insights into an Iron-Responsive Repressor from S. pombe
Erin Kishman Exercise Science Salivary Insulin, Cortisol, and Estrogen in the First Year Postpartum
Nik Lampe Sociology Healthy Aging Beyond Sex and Gender Binaries
Gabrielle Leith Chemistry Tuning the Electronic Structure of Covalent-Organic Frameworks
Corey Martin Chemistry Photochromic Layered Materials for Energy Storage Applications
Samantha Martin Linguistics  “La Violencia de Género Es una Pandemia”: The Circulation of Feminist Discourses in Chile During the COVID-19 Pandemic
John McCullough Linguistics Guides, rides, and tides: Language as index of authority and authenticity by Gullah tour companies
Andrei Medved Mathematics Data-driven Constitutive Modeling of Complex Fluids
Tianyue Mi Health Prom., Educ. & Behavior The impact of intersectional stigma on mental and physical health outcomes among HIV-infected Sexual and Gender Minority population
Melissa Mull Social Work  The Role of State Medicaid Programs in Regulating the Quality of Opioid Use Disorder Treatment in the United States
Megha Oza Environmental Health Sciences Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocyte associated Markers for Colorectal Cancer Prognosis and Significance
Brittany Pope Exercise Science A Role for Mitochondria in Stress Susceptibility
Mary Quattlebaum Clinical-Community Psychology Building Family Resilience to Improve Adolescent Eating Behaviors and Well-Being Among African American Families"
Sreehari Rajan-Kattil Mechanical Engineering Experiments and Finite Element-Based Modeling of Three-Tab Shingles Failure Under High Wind Loads
Katherine Rentschler Biomedical Sciences A Study of Brain Kynurenic Acid Elevation and Sleep Disturbances
Angelina Rubina Linguistics  Heritage language Russian in the United States: Grammar acquisition of definiteness and specificity
Lesley Smith Linguistics  The Effects of Explicit and Implicit Feedback on Processing French L2 Word Order
Yuzhu Sun Comparative Literature Imagining Peking: English Representations of Urban and Rural China, 1920-1945
Jake Swanson Biological Sciences How do changes in lake color affect phytoplankton community composition?
Catherine Thomas Theatre MFA Producing Immersive Theatre in the Age of COVID-19
Thomas Toomey Counselor Education  Examining the Effects of an Adapted Therapy for LGBTQ+ Clients on Their Psychological Well-Being
Zixin Wang Chemistry Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Nanozymes with Peroxidase-Mimicking Behaviors
Jie Wang Electrical Engineering Magnetic softness tuned γ-Fe2O3 superparamagnetic nanoparticles by shallow doping with highly efficient heat induction
Marilyn Wende Health Promotion, Education and Behavior Neighborhood socioeconomic status, green space, and walkability and risk for fracture among postmenopausal women: The Women’s Health Initiative



13 January 2021

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.