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Office of the Vice President for Research

Office of Research Awards 2018 RISE Grants

The Vice President for Research is pleased to announce the 2018 recipients of the Research Initiative for Summer Engagement, or RISE program grant awards. This year, 24 faculty researchers from USC’s system campuses will receive RISE funding to support their summer research projects. We are very happy to congratulate this group of outstanding USC faculty members working at four-year and Palmetto College campuses around the state. We would also like to thank the chancellors at four-year campuses USC Aiken, USC Beaufort and USC Upstate for their collaboration in funding the 2018 RISE awards for their faculty.

The RISE—Research Initiative for Summer Engagement—program provides financial support to pay for summer salary, research supplies, travel related to research and undergraduate student support. Read more about the RISE competitive research grant program.

Four-Year Campuses

2018 USC Aiken RISE Recipients

Recipient Name Project Title
Andrew Dyer Ecological Invasion: The Role of Indirect Effects in an Annual Grassland
Kelly Ann Gibson Tropical Pacific Nutrient Dynamics Across the Mid Pleistocene Transition
Todd Hagstette James Henry Hammond and William Gilmore Simms: The Worst of Friends
Richard Maltz Compose a Ballet
Nicholas Marshall Preparation of alternating conjugated polymer brushes via surface-initiated Kumada catalyst-transfer polymerization (SI-KCTP)
Kristina Ramstad Assessing genetic connectivity and divergence among wood storks of Brazil, Cuba and the United States
Jessica Sullivan RISE: Production and Comparison of GPS and LiDAR Salt Marsh Circulation Models
Laura Swain Examination of the Positivity Effect and Socio-emotional Cognitive Functioning in Patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

2018 USC Beaufort RISE Recipients

Recipient Name Project Title
Timothy James Reforming Military Justice: The Fuero Militar from Independence to the Three Years War
Summer Roberts Subjective Assessments of Successful Aging

2018 USC Upstate RISE Recipients

Recipient Name Project Title
Andrew Beer Effects of Escalated Exposure to Information on Accuracy of Personality Judgment
Ona Egbue Dynamic Modelling and Control of Electric Vehicle Integration into the Smart Grid
Toshua Kennedy Lessons Learned from BEE Healthy: An Intervention Study Applying Peer Support among Students, Parents, and Teachers
Thomas McConnell Historical Fiction as a Distant Mirror: A Southern Novella to Illuminate the Present
Allison Pingley Life in Transition: Examining the Impact of Communism in Hungary
Matthew Placek RISE - Social Media and Regime Support in Russia: Does National Origin of Website Used Matter?
Shannon Polchow Dyslexia and World Languages: Navigating College Requirements in South Carolina
Monica Shehi Investigating the Emergence of the Discipline of Composition in the Albanian Higher Education System Under the Influence of the American Model
Nolan Stolz Presentation at the Third International Conference of the Progect Network for the Study of Progressive Rock (Lund, Sweden)
Carolyn Webber Working in the Margin: Domestic and International Minority Women in Higher Education
Wei Zhong Applying Big Data based Multi-level Deep Learning Frameworks to the Development of Malware Detection Systems

Palmetto College Campuses 

2018 USC Lancaster RISE Recipients

Recipient Name Project Title
Li Cai Targeting Tumor Cells by Natural Anti-Carbohydrate Antibodies Using Rhamnose-Functionalized Virus Particles
Christopher Judge Determining the Validity of a Model Developed to Document the Decrease in the Basal Width of Triangular Shaped Stone Arrowheads through Time: 3,000 to 300 Years Ago

2018 USC Salkehatchie RISE Recipients

Recipient Name Project Title
Melissa Rack The Slender Muse: Neoteric Poetics in Spenser’s Late Pastorals “Theory: Alexandrian Echoes”; “Theory: New Songs”; and “Style: Things and Thingliness”


15 February 2018

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.