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Office of the Vice President for Research

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Magellan Programs Support Undergraduate Research, Scholarly and Creative Projects in Every Discipline

Ferdinand Magellan organized the first voyage to circumnavigate the earth in the 1500s. Five hundred years later, his inspiration continues at the University of South Carolina through a unique group of competitive funding programs for undergraduate student research, scholarship and creativity, supported with funds from the Office of the Vice President for Research. The Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) Magellan programs offer a variety of financial support for students in every discipline, working with faculty mentors to ask questions and find answers through research, scholarship or creative projects.

The first application deadline, for the Magellan Scholar award, is coming up on Wednesday, October 25, so now is a great time to start planning!


Ready for Magellan

All Magellan Scholar applicants are required to attend a Magellan Scholar Application Workshop before they apply. These workshops are a great way to get familiar with the application process, ask questions and make sure you are organized and ready to embark on your own Magellan experience.

There are a number of workshop options at various campuses, and a live streamed workshop that applicants can attend remotely from all USC campuses. If your campus is not listed, or if you are unable to attend these workshops, contact for alternatives.

USC Columbia
All USC Columbia workshops are held in the Russell House, room 305.

  • Monday, September 25, 12:00 p.m.
  • Thursday, October 5, 10:00 a.m.
  • Wednesday, October 11, 4:30 p.m.

USC Upstate
Friday, September 22, 12:30 p.m.
CLC Quiet Room

Live Streamed Workshop: All Campuses
Friday, September 29, 11:00 a.m.

Viewing locations:

  • Aiken, TBD
  • Beaufort, PET Conference Room 238 Hargray
  • Columbia, Hampton 404U
  • Lancaster, Medford 212
  • Salkehatchie East, 206
  • Salkehatchie West, LRB 101
  • Sumter, Schwartz 112
  • Union, C108
  • Upstate, Admin 102 Conference Room


Getting Started

Many students come to the OUR unsure of how to begin devising a project or searching for a faculty mentor, and that’s where their Getting Started workshops come in. At OUR’s interactive Getting Started workshops, students can get a jump on thinking about their research interests, learn how to reach out to potential faculty mentors and talk with peers who have been through the process before.

Getting Started workshops are offered three times per week during the fall semester, through Wednesday, November 15.

Fall 2017 Getting Started Workshops

All Getting Started workshops are held in Gambrell Hall 150 (PC Classroom).
Mondays, 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Tuesdays, 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Wednesdays, 2:15 p.m. to 3:15 p.m.


Choose Your Program

Magellan isn’t the only financial support program available to undergraduate researchers. There are a wide variety of opportunities available for undergraduate students with different interests and academic backgrounds. Browse your options on the OUR website to see what program will be the best fit for you. Questions? Contact the Office of Undergraduate Research at

21 September 2017

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.