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Office of the Vice President for Research

Office of the Vice President for Research Announces 2015-2016 SPARC Graduate Research Grant Recipients


Each year, the Office of the Vice President for Research offers a competitive research grant program for graduate students from all areas of study. This academic year, 56 students from 9 different academic units have been awarded SPARC grants. The 2015-2016 SPARC recipients, listed below, will use their SPARC funds to engage in research and scholarly projects over a 15-month period.

Through the SPARC program, graduate students have a unique opportunity not only to gain funding for their scholarly projects, but also to grow their experience in developing competitive grant proposals. Students who apply for SPARC prepare detailed budgets, write a narrative description detailing their plans and research methodology, compile supporting documentation and seek the support of their faculty advisors. This process closely reflects many of the steps they will take throughout their research careers, giving them an edge on the competition.

Read more about SPARC.

2015-2016 SPARC Recipients

Recipient Name Department or Program Proposal Title
Jada Ach English Affective Ecologies in the Work of Jack London
Benjamin Belgrad Marine Science Understanding the flexibility and competitive advantages of animal personalities
Brandon Boesch Philosophy Scientific representation and human action
Keith Brazendale Exercise Science A Pilot Study Investigating the Etiology of Accelerated Weight Gain of Children During Summer vs. School Year
William Brixius Experimental Psychology Modulation of Reading Speed
Anusha Chaparala Drug Discovery and Biomedical Science Exploring the Mechanism of Macrophage-specific Targeting by Panaxynol, a Derivative of American Ginseng
Chia-Chun Chiang Finance How Statutory Reserve Regulation Influences Life insurers’ asset allocations in a low-interest-rate environment
Ormonde Cragun Management Succession planning infrastructure
Danielle  Fahey Linguistics  Asymmetric Binarity as a Cognitive Universal: The Rhythm of Syntactic Structure
Deeonna Farr Health Promotion, Education & Behavior The Impact of False Positive Mammography Results on Breast Cancer Screening Intention in Black Women
Kathleen Franke School Psychology Pursuing Happiness: An Investigation of Positive Mental Health in Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Erik Frankforter Mechanical Engineering Wave Trapping and Acoustic Metamaterials Concepts for Fiber Optics Sensing
Clay Fuller Political Science Authoritarian Liberalism: How Autocracies Survive in the Modern Global Economy
Megan Gee Chemistry & Biochemistry Solvent Effect on Ligand Dynamics in Colloidal QD systems
Gerad Gentry Philosophy The Imagination as a First Principle of Knowledge
Victoria Henbest Communication Sciences & Disorders Is a systematic analysis of spelling a valid measure of orthographic and phonological awareness skills in 1st grade students?
Michael Hendley Biomedical Engineering Biomaterial Scaffolds for Adipose Tissue Engineering
Hope Holt Biomedical Engineering Alteration of P-glycoprotein Expression in the Presence of Amyloid-beta and Other Compounds
Chun Hsieh Chemistry & Biochemistry Leveraging P450 Enzymes for Renewable Bioenergy Production
Wei  Hu Comparative Literature Images of Exceptional Women and Chinese Modernity
Chen-Ling  Hung Geography Storm Hydrographs in Two Subwatersheds of the Rocky Branch Watershed
 Laura Jenkins Chemistry & Biochemistry Type III TGFb receptor regulation of Wnt/bcatenin signaling in ovarian cancer.
Samuel King History High-Class Chop Suey: The Making of Chinese Fine Dining in Chicago, 1893-1917
Tyler Lewis Mathematics Representation Type of 0-Modality Codimension Two Singularities
Minghui Li Pharmaceutical Sciences The Impact of Medicare Payment Policy Change on the Risks Associated with Use of Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agents
Jiaxin Liang Drug Discovery and Biomedical Sciences TIMP3 as a pivot in the regulation of colon cancer metastasis
Karina Liles Computer Science & Engineering Meeting Students Educational Needs by Engaging Students in Multiplication Practice with Social Robot
Xiao Lin Computer Science & Engineering Computational Tool for Identifying Branching Types in Hyphal Growth Models
Junxiu Liu Epidemiology & Biostatistics Body Mass Index Trajectories in the First Year and Its Association with the Risk of Being Overweight or Obese at Six Years of Age in Children
Chao Lu Mechanical Engineering A Novel Wavelet-Based Approach for Spent Nuclear Fuel Rod Failure Detection in Dry Cask Storage
Xiaonan  Ma Epidemiology & Biostatistics Food Shopping Patterns and Associations with Obesity
Kyunghee Ma Social Work Acculturation Stress and Depression among International Graduate Students from China and India at the University of South Carolina
Alexandria McCombs Geography Agricultural Land Use Change Effects on Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide in the US Great Plains
Lauren McGuire Educational Psychology Assessing Stability Of CBCLDSM Profiles
Kristen McLaurin Experimental Psychology Progression of Temporal Processing Deficits in Aging HIV-1 Transgenic Rats
Seyyedali Mirshahghassemi Environmental Health Sciences Evaluation of Polymer-Coated Magnetic Nanoparticles for Oil Separation from Oil-Water Mixture in Natural Waters
Daniela Negraia Sociology Comparing the health and happiness of parents and nonparents – The role of adult’s education
Elizabeth Nelson Geography Algerians Communities in France: Place, Social Networks, and Integration
Stephen  O'Hara History Televising the Future: Science Fiction Television, the State, and Cold War Popular Culture, 1950-1970
Anais Parada Anthropology Wearing Indigeneity: Crafting Local Identities and Selling Global Commodities
Yujia Peng Electrical Engineering Miniaturized Frequency Reconfigurable Wireless Power Harvesting Systems on Engineered Substrate Enabled with Patterned Permalloy Thin Film
Ligia Reyes Health Promotion, Education & Behavior Understanding Mothers’ Food Choices on Behalf of Children Under Five in Rural Panama
Caleb  Schlachter Chemistry & Biochemistry Structural and Functional Studies of Aspergillus fumigatus 2-Methylcitrate Synthase
Gary Sellick History A Fleeting Glimpse of Freedom: The Evolution of British Emancipation during the Revolutionary War
Maria Sevoyan Epidemiology & Biostatistics Causal Effect of Colchicine Therapy on Renal Amyloidosis in Patients with Familial Mediterranean Fever
Mithil Soni Biological Sciences Role of miR-489 in Autophagy and Cancer Stem Cell Regulation
Tracey Swartz Marketing The Chief Marketing Officer: Resume Builders or Endangered Species
Scott  Taylor, Jr. Hospitality Management Pop Up Restaurants and Dining Experiences
Natalie Umling Geological Sciences A Record of Deglacial Ocean Ventilation from Foraminiferal Radiocarbon in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific
Elise Van Meerssche Biological Sciences The effect of the phytoplankton toxin domoic acid on benthic microalgal communities
Lauren  Wolf Biomedical Engineering RAGE Expression and Inflammation with Amyloid-beta Exposure in Alzheimer's Disease
Wuzhao Yan Electrical Engineering Lebesgue Sampling-based Prognostics with Application to Li-ion Batteries
Hassan Zamir, MD Library and Information Science Anatomy of a Social Media Movement: Diffusion, Sentiment and Network Analysis
Qingfeng  Zhang Chemistry & Biochemistry Plasmonic Scissors for Aromatic Side-Chain Cleavage
Yingsha Zhang Hospitality Management How does the Spatial Structure of General Tourism Demand Affect the Spatial Structure of Theme Park
 Jie Zhou Epidemiology & Biostatistics Joint Model of the CVD Mortality and Nonlinear Longitudinal Effect of Physical Activity

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