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International Accelerator Program

Where in the World Were Students Over Winter Break?

After a long semester of hard work, USC IAP students had a chance to relax over Winter Break! Here’s how some students spent their vacation. 

As a student in the US, one of the greatest opportunities you have is to travel both domestically and abroad. During this time of your life, seeing the world teaches you things you may never learn in a classroom. As an international student, this may seem obvious, but it is important to try new things and experience cultures that are unfamiliar to you.


  • Pakistan


    Hamza went to snowy Pakistan!

  • Mexico


    Andre went to the beaches of Mexico!   

  • San Fransisco

    San Francisco

    And Thuy stopped by San Francisco on her way home to Vietnam!   

Here’s a challenge: On your next break, travel home with someone from a different country than you.


Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
