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Department of Statistics

Our Faculty and Staff

Xiaoyan (Iris) Lin

Title: Associate Professor
Department: Statistics
College of Arts and Sciences
Phone: 803-777-3788
Office: LeConte 209B
Resources: My Website
Curriculum Vitae [pdf]
Department of Statistics
Xiaoyan Lin


Dr. Lin joined the Department of Statistics at the University of South Carolina in 2008 after obtaining her Ph.D. in statistics from the University of Missouri-Columbia. Her research focuses on Bayesian statistics, with applications in survival analysis and medical diagnostic accuracy and ROC analysis. She is especially interested in developing advanced statistical methods for censored and/or ordinal data, such as adopting latent graphical models for the dependence structure among ordinal variables, neural networks for the ordinal classification, and Bayesian Additive Regression Trees (BART) for arbitrary censored survival data.

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