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Department of Statistics

Recent Ph.D. Graduates

Year Name Thesis Title Thesis Advisor(s) Position within 6 months of degree (TT = tenure track)
2024 Shijie Wang New deep learning approaches to classical statistical problems Ray Bai Applied Scientist, Gauss Labs, CA
2024 Yuchen Mao Bayesian joint modeling of longitudinal data and interval-censored failure time data Lianming Wang Postdoc, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, MD
2024 Zehao Yu Statistical inference based on elliptically symmetric distributions for directional data Xianzheng Huang Quantitative Strats Associate, Goldman Sachs, NY
2023 Qingyang Liu Advancements in parametric modal regression Xianzheng Huang Postdoc, Department of Statistics, Texas A&M University, TX
2023 Yang He Bayesian dependence structure analysis for ordinal data Xiaoyan Lin Quantitative Analytics Specialist, Wells Fargo, CA
2022 Zhen Yang Statistical methods for analyzing dependence structures with applications in single-cell experiments Yen-Yi Ho Data Scientist, Walmart Labs, CA
2022 Wenda Zhang Statistical methods for analyzing multi-omics data: Dependence structure and missing values Yen-Yi Ho Data Scientist, Walmart Labs, CA
2022 Shan Zhong Deep learning, clustering, and decision process approaches for modeling time series data David Hitchcock Machine Learning Engineer, Neolix, Shanghai, China
2022 Ryan Pittman Using concurrent functional regression to reconstruct river stage data during flood events and identify influential functional measurements  David Hitchcock and John Grego Data Scientist/Biostatistician, Dorn Research Institute, SC
2021 Michael Stutz Regression methods for group testing data Joshua Tebbs Instructor, Department of Statistics, University of South Carolina, SC
2021 Lili Tong Statistical analysis of a joint stochastic model for recurrent competing risk, longitudinal marker, and health status Edsel Peña Postdoc, Department of Biostatistics, University of Nebraska Medical Center, NE
2021 Tahmidul Islam Bayesian nonparametric model for functional data analysis John Grego Statistician II, Center for Outcomes Research & Evaluation, Yale University, CT
2021 Zichen Ma Bayesian methods in analyzing association of random variables Yen-Yi Ho and Joshua Tebbs Postdoc, School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Clemson University, SC
2020 Bridget Manning Categorical and fuzzy ensemble-based algorithms for cluster analysis David Hitchcock Assistant Vice President, Quantitative Finance Analyst, Bank of America, NC
2020 Yizheng Wei Estimation and inference under model uncertainty Yanyuan Ma Independent Investor
2020 Xiangyang Cao High-dimensional inference based on the leave-one-covariate-out regularization path Karl Gregory and Dewei Wang Data Scientist, Facebook, WA
2020 Tuan Do Studies of group fused lasso and probit model for right-censored data Karl Gregory and Lianming Wang Data Scientist, Google, CA
2020 Lu Wang Semiparametric regression analysis of survival data and panel count data Lianming Wang TT Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Western New England University, MA
2020 Ennan Gu Flexible regression models for survival data Lianming Wang Statistician, Novartis Pharmaceuticals, MA
2020 Chunling Wang Bayesian analysis of binary diagnostic tests and panel count data  Xiaoyan Lin Quantitative Associate, Wells Fargo, CA
2019 Taeho Kim Investigations on multiple interval estimators Edsel Peña Postdoc, University of Haifa, Israel
Xichen Mou
Estimation problems for pooled data
Joshua Tebbs and Dewei Wang
TT Assistant Professor, Division of Epidemiology, Biostatistics, and Environmental Health, University of Memphis, TN
Juexin Lin
Regression for pooled testing data with biomedical applications
Dewei Wang
Senior Data Scientist, Walmart Labs, CA
Yawei Liang
Cluster analysis of mixed-mode data
David Hitchcock
Quantitative Associate, Wells Fargo, CA
Haigang Liu
Spatio-temporal analysis of precipitation and flood data from South Carolina
David Hitchcock
Data Scientist, Wayfair, MA
Yifan Zhang
Multivariate probit models for interval-censored failure time data
Lianming Wang
Principal Biostatistician, Novartis Pharmaceuticals, NJ
Qiang Zheng
Statistical analysis of interval-censored data subject to additional complications
Lianming Wang
Data Scientist, Microsoft, WA
Seung Chul Baek
Dimension reduction for classification with many covariates and pathway activity level estimation
Yanyuan Ma
TT Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Maryland Baltimore County, MD
Chong Ma
Classification of high-dimensional data based on multiple testing methods
David Hitchcock, Yen-Yi Ho, and Paramita Chakraborty
Postdoc, Yale University, CT
Jianhong Wang
Bayesian semiparametric methods for analyzing panel count data
Xiaoyan Lin
Statistical Programming Analyst, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, SC
Qianqian Wang
Transformation model with mixed populations and single index model with measurement error
Yanyuan Ma
Research Scientist, Eli Lilly, IN
Shiwen Shen
Discovery of community structures in static and dynamic networks
Edsel Peña
Data Scientist, New York Life, NY
2018 Xiang Li   Semiparametric regression in the presence of measurement error Xianzheng Huang Quantitative Associate, JP Morgan Chase & CO, NY
2018 Xinchu Zhao A rotatable asymmetric variable compensation MIRT model Brian Habing Statistical Modeller, Imbellus, CA
2017 Chuan-Fa Tang Nonparametric inference for orderings and associations between two random variables Joshua Tebbs and Dewei Wang Postdoc, University of Washington, WA
2017 Sheng-Yang Wang Bayesian flexible modeling of interval-censored failure time data Lianming Wang Senior Quantitative Analyst, Fifth Third Bancorp, NC
2017 Peijie Hou Topics in group testing with multiple infections  Joshua Tebbs and Dewei Wang Statistician, Takeda, MA
2017 Songqiao Huang Sparse and regular functional data smoothing and its applications David Hitchcock Sr. Biostatistician, Boehringer Ingelheim, NY
2017 Jianxuan Liu Semiparametric estimation and inference in causal inference and measurement error models Yanyuan Ma TT Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Bowling Green University, OH
2017 Beidi Qiang Improved simultaneous estimation of location and system reliability via shrinkage ideas Edsel Peña TT Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, IL
2016 Bereket Kindo Bayesian ensemble of regression trees for multinomial probit and quantile regression Edsel Peña Lead Data Scientist, Humana, KY
2016 Junshu Bao Development and application of Bayesian semiparametric models for dependent data Timothy Hanson TT Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Duquesne University, PA
2016 William Cipolli Bayesian nonparametric approaches to multiple testing, density estimation, and supervised learning Timothy Hanson TT Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Colgate University, NY
2016 Shamim Sarker Modern estimation problems in group testing Joshua Tebbs TT Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Radford University, VA
2016 Han Lee Some issues in Markov chain Monte Carlo estimation for item response theory Brian Habing Predictive Modeler, State Auto Insurance, OH
2016 Piaomu Liu Semiparametric joint dynamic modeling of a longitudinal marker, recurrent competing risks, and a terminal event Edsel Peña TT Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Bentley University, MA
2016 Haifeng Wu Regression analysis of clustered interval-censored failure time data Lianming Wang Data Scientist, Central Pacific Bank, HI
2016 Bin Yao Semiparametric regression analysis of panel count data and interval-censored failure time data Lianming Wang Post Doc, Vaccine and Infectious Disease, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, WA
2016 Zizhen Wu Registration and clustering of functional observations David Hitchcock Senior Quantitative Risk Analyst, Santander Bank, MA
2015 Haiming Zhou Bayesian semi- and non-parametric analysis for spatially correlated survival data Timothy Hanson TT Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, Northern Illinois University, IL
2015 Naichen Wang Regression analysis of bivariate interval-censored data Lianming Wang Senior Quantitative Analyst, Santander Bank, MA
2015 Yin Fu Dimensionality assessment and estimation for the variable compensation model Brian Habing Quantitative Associate, Wells Fargo, NC
2015 Shun Yu Model diagnostics for generalized linear mixed models for binary responses Xianzheng Huang Quantitative Associate, Wells Fargo, NC
2014 Wen Cheng Bayesian analysis of continuous curve functions Ian Dryden and Xianzheng Huang Quantitative Associate, Wells Fargo, NC
2014 JeanMarie Hendrickson Methods for clustering mixed data David Hitchcock Teaching Assistant Professor, West Virginia University, WV
2014  Li Li Applications of Bayesian nonparametrics to reliability and survival data Timothy Hanson TT Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of New Mexico, NM
2014  A. K. M. Fazlur Rahman Non- and semi-parametric Bayesian inference with recurrent events and coherent systems data Edsel Peña Postdoc, Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics, Emory University, GA


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