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Department of History


Anna Thompson

Title: Graduate Student
M.A, Public History
Department: Department of History
College of Arts and Sciences
photo of a woman with dark and and glasses on

Pronouns: she/her

Education: B.A, in History from The University of North Texas

Bio: I am originally from Columbia, but moved to Austin,Texas as a kid. I am pursuing a M.A. in public history. My interests include "women's" history that has historically been written off or forgotten - things like makeup history, as well as the history of fashion dolls. I find both of these topics interesting and important, because they're ways to track what was happening in culture at large in any given time point through both a feminine lens, and the lens of younger people - both groups who tend to have less voice in a lot of different time periods. I spent most of my undergrad doing distance learning during the pandemic, which gave me the opportunity to write for a (now defunct) political website called Rising LoneStars, in which I ran, edited, and wrote for their "Lonestar Lowdown" editorial page. In my free time, I like to attend concerts and go antiquing.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
