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Department of Geography


Jerry T. Mitchell

Title: Professor
Department: Geography
College of Arts and Sciences
Phone: 803-777-5234
Office: Callcott 127, Callcott 230
Resources: Curriculum Vitae [pdf]
Department of Geography
Jerry Mitchell


Dr. Jerry T. Mitchell is Department Chair and a Professor of Geography. He has been the Director of the Center of Excellence for Geographic Education since joining the department in 2004. He has authored more than seventy-five articles and book chapters, with work appearing in the journals Natural Hazards Review, Environmental Hazards, Cartography and GIS, The Geography Teacher, and the Annals of the American Association of Geographers. This work was made possible by more than $5 million in external funding from the National Science Foundation, Verizon Foundation, National Geographic Society, the South Carolina Department of Education, and others. He was the coordinator of the South Carolina Geographic Alliance for 17 years, providing geography learning opportunities for more than 40,000 teachers and students. Additionally, he served as the Editor of the Journal of Geography from 2010–2019, was President of the National Council for Geographic Education in 2020, and was awarded the 2022 Gilbert H. Grosvenor Honors in Geographic Education from the American Association of Geographers.


  • Environmental hazards
  • Geography education
  • Latin America


GEOG 221: Geography of South Carolina
GEOG 223: Geography of Latin America
GEOG 223M: Geography of Latin America (Chile – Study Abroad)
GEOG 561: Contemporary Issues in Geography Education
GEOG 710: Seminar in Geography Education

Representative Publications 

Mitchell, J. T. 2023. “Wicked from the Start: Educational Impediments to Teaching About Climate Change (and How Geography Education Can Help). Education Sciences. 13, 1174. DOI: 10.3390/educsci13121174.

Mitchell, J. T., M. Mewborne, and A. Hendrick. 2022. “Out of Eden Walk: Bridging the Advanced Placement Human Geography and World History Courses.” The Geography Teacher. 19(1): 29-38.

Mitchell, J. T. 2022. Geography for Dummies. 2nd Edition. New York: Wiley. 416 pp.

Artvinli, E., I. Gryl, J. Lee, and J. T. Mitchell (Eds.). 2022. Geography Teacher Education and Professionalization. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer Nature. 331 pp.

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