We offer several awards that recognize excellence among our undergraduate students.
The Julian J. Petty Award
A $200 award given to the most outstanding senior geography major, based on grade point average and other performance indicators. Award decisions are made by the Department of Geography Awards Committee. No more than two awards will be given each year.
The Donald O. Bushman Cartographic Award
A $100 award given to the outstanding undergraduate cartography student. All undergraduate students are eligible, but a student may only win this award once. Students must be nominated by a faculty member to the Department of Geography Awards Committee.
The Bennett S. Masaschi Undergraduate Scholarship
A $1,000 award given to no more than two undergraduates per year. The award is need-based; students nominate themselves with a brief letter (no more than 500 words) explaining how the award will enhance their geography studies.
The Grace and Allan Davis Scholarship
A $750 award given to an undergraduate or a graduate geography student focusing on geographic information science, remote sensing or cartography. The award is need-based; in addition, award priority is given first to students who are married with children, then to married students, then to unmarried students. Applicants must have a 3.0 GPA, and graduate students must be in good standing. Students apply for the award by writing a letter (no more than two pages) outlining their interest in geographic information science, remote sensing or cartography. Applicants must also provide a brief, general statement describing their financial need.