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Department of Biological Sciences

Dr. Beth Krizek awarded a grant from the NSF

Lateral organs in plants (leaves and flowers) are determinate structures that grow to a characteristic size. Previous work in the Krizek lab suggests that the Arabidopsis transcription factors ANT and AIL6 regulate the expression of several growth genes present in different growth-regulatory modules. Following up on this work, Dr. Krizek has just been awarded a $549,151 grant from the National Sceince Foundation to further characterize the regulation of these genes, define the cis-elements bound by ANT and AIL6 in vivo, and investigate connections among different growth regulatory modules. This work will further our understanding of how output from multiple growth regulating pathways is integrated to give rise to organs of characteristic sizes. Such knowledge is important for efforts to maximize plant biomass and/or fruit, seed, and grain yields needed to feed the world's growing population. The project will also provide support for a molecular biology lab skills workshop focused on teaching fundamental laboratory and research skills with the goal of increasing the participation of first generation and underrepresented students in undergraduate research experiences. Congrats Beth!


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