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Department of Biological Sciences

Jenny Linscott awarded the inaugural Lanyon Award from the American Ornithological Society

the American Ornithological Society's Lanyon Award recognizes the early-career ornithologist who authors the best synthesis/review paper on avian science, to be published as an open-access article in an AOS journal. It is given in honor Wesley “Bud” Lanyon, who served as the 37th President of the American Ornithologists’ Union. The award winner receives a $1,500 honorarium plus a $1,000 travel stipend and free registration to attend the AOS annual meeting, where he/she will organize a symposium on the winning review topic. 

Jennifer Linscott is a graduate student in the Senner lab who recently published a study titled "Beyond refueling: Investigating the diversity of functions of migratory stopover events" in the journal Ornithological Applications. Many birds make stops during their migratory journeys, and while it is commonly assumed that individuals stop primarily or exclusively in order to replenish energy stores, other non-fueling behaviors have also been described during stopover events. In her article, Jenny describes how individual tracking datasets can explore diverse functions for avian migratory stopovers. She also examines emerging research directions that infer behavior from movement paths and predict responsiveness to future environmental change at stopover sites. Jenny's study was named Editor's Choice and is now recognized as the best review by the AOS. Congrats Jenny!

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