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Department of Biological Sciences

Kate Levasseur receives the Best Graduate Student Paper of the Year Award


Congratulations to Kate Levasseur for her article being selected as the Cindy & Dan Carson Best Graduate Student Paper of the Year Award. Kate’s paper, “Exceptionally high natal homing precision in hawksbill sea turtles” in Marine Ecology Progressive Series, describes a large genetic differentiation among nesting Hawksbill sea turtles sampled in Antigua and its sister island Barbuda. These large genetic differences suggest near complete isolation between nesting beaches separated by a distance of ~ 50 kilometers, and represent some of the largest genetic differences described in an endangered vertebrate animal. Kate’s publication has manifold implications for rare, threatened, and endangered species. We want to congratulate Kate and her mentor, Dr. Joe Quattro, for her truly outstanding work. Learn more about it here!

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