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Department of Biological Sciences

Bert Ely won big NIH grant to continue Post-baccalaureate Research Education Program

Bert Ely (PI) and Richard Hunt (co-PI, School of Medicine) won a big NIH grant to continue their Post-baccalaureate Research Education Program for underrepresented minority students.


Congratulations, Bert and Richard!

Short summary of the grant:

NIH has funded USC-PREP (Post-baccalaureate Research Education Program) for 5 more years (2016-2021). Over the past 10 years, USC PREP has provided funding for 48 bright potential graduate students to take a year after completing their baccalaureate degree to work as full time research technicians in biomedical laboratories where they demonstrate their aptitude for research while taking graduate level courses. As a result of this opportunity to demonstrate that they can succeed in a PhD program, two thirds of these PREP Scholars have been accepted into PhD programs, and 15 have already completed their PhD degrees. The renewed funding from NIH will allow us to support 7 PREP scholars per year for the next 5 years.

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