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Tutoring Center

Need help solving math problems? Need a proofreader for an English paper? Stop in at the Anderson Library and sign up for an available tutoring session. Tutors are available for the following subjects: English/writing, chemistry, biology, math and Spanish.

Available Tutors and Subject(s)

Tutor Subject(s)

James Maher

English/Writing for ALL subjects

Allan Moretz

Math including Statistics

Michael Draper

Biology, Anatomy & Physiology, Chemistry, Physics, Statistics

Search for tutors by their name in MICROSOFT TEAMS to contact them about scheduling an online tutoring session.

If you do not have MICROSOFT TEAMS, see the instructions below.


How to download MICROSOFT TEAMS.


1. Locate Microsoft Teams app in your smartphone app store, on your laptop, or Mac.

2. Download the app  

3. You will be prompted to Sign In or Sign Up. You are able to SIGN IN. You already have access as a USC Sumter student.

4. Use your USC Sumter login and password to activate Microsoft Teams

5. You will be sent a DUO authentication:  Approve

6. Answer YES to notifications

7. Answer YES to microphone

8. Click “Chat” icon on the bottom menu

9. Click on the pencil and paper icon in the top right corner. This will open a page that prompts you to enter a name, email or group. 

10. Type in the name of the tutor you are trying to reach. You will be able type a message and begin communicating with your tutor who will direct you to their schedule for your personal tutoring session.  Tutors will be available at specific times Monday - Friday between 8:30 am – 6:00 pm.  

11. You will have the option to video chat with your tutor.  Please be in an area where you are able to work on the item you have questions about.  Make sure you have your text book, assignment, and/or any other support items you will need.  Your tutoring appointment will be schedule for 30 minutes. 

12. Please be patient as we are all getting used to this app and tutoring remotely. If you have any questions, please call Anderson Library (803) 938-3736.