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Faculty and Staff

Sarah Hunt Sellhorst, Ph.D.

Title: Director of Dual Enrollment Faculty Relations and Curricula
Professor of Exercise Science
Department: Math, Science, Nursing, and Public Health
USC Lancaster
Phone: 803-313-7458
Fax: 803-313-7194
Office: Carole Ray Dowling, Exercise Science Suite
Office Hours: By appointment

Easley EA, Sellhorst SH, Increasing Potential and Widening Horizons: Promoting Undergraduate Research at a Two-year Regional Campus SPUR: Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research (formerly CUR Quarterly) Spring 2018 Issue (Invited May 3, 2017, Submitted June 9th 2017)

Riner WF, Sellhorst SH Physical Activity and Exercise in Children with Chronic Health Conditions, Journal of Sport and Health Sciences: 2(1): 12-20, 2013.

McCrory JL, Salacinski AJ, Hunt SE, and Greenspan SL. Competitive Athletic Participation, Thigh Muscle Strength, and Bone Density in Elite Senior Athletes and Controls; Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research: 27(11): 3132-3141, 2013

Schafer MA, Robertson RJ, Thekkada SJ, Gallagher M, Hunt SE., Goss FL, Aaron DJ, Validation of the Omni RPE Seven Day Effort Recall Questionnaire, Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport: 84(3): 363-372, 2013.

McCrory JL, Salacinski AJ, Hunt SE, and Greenspan SL. Thigh muscle strength in senior athletes and healthy controls. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research: 23(9): 2430-2436, 2009.

Robertson RJ, Gross FL, Aaron DJ, Nagle EF, Gallagher Jr. M, Kane I, Tessmer KA, Schafer MA, and Hunt SE. Concurrent muscle hurt and perceived exertion of children during resistance exercise. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 41(5), 1146-54 May 2009.

Wilkes DD, Freeman EE, Bailey SB, Easley EA, Sellhorst SH. The effect of perceived adiposity level on BMI and body fat percentage. Presented at Discover USC, University of South Carolina, April 21, 2017. Poster Session.

Melton MN, Fargalla MN, Easley EA, Sellhorst SH. Differences in visceral adipose tissue and total body fat based on BMI in female college students. Presented at Discover USC, University of South Carolina, April 21, 2017. Poster Session. Awarded second place in the Afternoon Poster Sessions for Public Health.

Easley EA, Fargalla MN, Sellhorst SH, Riner WF. Impact of Biological Attractiveness on Exercise Motivation and Physical Activity in Female College Students. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, Volume 49:5 Supplement.

Fargalla MN, Schofield RJ, Garris AM, Stevens JG, Easley EA, Sellhorst SH, Riner WF. Difference in average daily step count between male and female college-age students. To be presented at the Southeast American College of Sports Medicine Meeting February 18, 2017.

Schofield RJ, Garris AM, Stevens JG, Fargalla MN, Sellhorst SH, Easley EA, Riner WF. Impact of high school athletic participation on physical activity in college students. To be presented at the Southeast American College of Sports Medicine Meeting February 18, 2017.

Easley EA, Freeman EE, Bailey SB, Sellhorst SH, Riner WF. Sensitivity and specificity of college students’ BMI and perceptions of weight in determining obesity status. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 48(5):S. 2016. Presented at the Annual Meeting of American College of Sports Medicine, June 4, 2016. Boston, MA. Poster Session.

Bailey SB, Freeman EE, Sellhorst SH, Easley EA, Riner WF. Body composition among male college students based on physical activity. Presented at the Southeast regional meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine. February 19, 2016. Greenville, SC. Poster Session.

Freeman EE, Bailey SB, EA Easley EA, Sellhorst SH, Riner WF. Effect of physical activity on body fat percentage in college-age women. Presented at the Southeast regional meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine. February 19, 2016. Greenville, SC. Poster Session.

Garris AM, Bailey SB, Freeman EE, Easley EA, Sellhorst SH, Riner WF. Impact of social support on physical activity in college-age students. Presented at the Southeast regional meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine. February 19, 2016. Greenville, SC. Poster Session.

Schofield RJ, Freeman EE, Bailey SB, Sellhorst SH, Easley EA, Riner WF. Impact of biological attractiveness on BMI and body fat percentage. Presented at the Southeast regional meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine. February 19, 2016. Greenville, SC. Poster Session.

Stevens JG, Garris AM, Schofield RJ, Easley EA, Sellhorst SH, Riner WF. College students who meet recommendations for vigorous activity perceive greater benefits and less barriers. Presented at the Southeast regional meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine. February 19, 2016. Greenville, SC. Poster Session.

Freeman EE, Bailey SB, Sellhorst SH, Easley EA. Impact of college major on body fat percentage. Presented at Discovery Day, University of South Carolina, April 24, 2015. Poster Session.

Bailey SB, Freeman EE, Easley EA, Sellhorst SH. Relationship between sedentary time and body fat percentage in college students. Presented at Discovery Day, University of South Carolina, April 24, 2015. Poster Session.

Sellhorst, S.H., Thomas, K.L., Riner, W.F. FACSM Relation of Common Field Measures of Body Composition and DXA in Older Adults 44(5) Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise Supplement 1:, May 2012

Hunt SE, Goss, F, Robertson R, Greenspan SL, and McCrory JL. The relationship between regional bone mineral density and body composition in elite competitive older athletes and healthy controls. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 41(5) Supplement 1:S76, May 2009.

Hunt SE, Goss, F, Robertson R, Greenspan SL, and McCrory JL. The relationship between regional bone mineral density and body composition in elite competitive older athletes and healthy controls. Proceedings of the 2009 Annual meeting of the Southeast Region of the American College of Sports Medicine Birmingham AL February 12-14, 2009

McCrory JL, Salacinski AJ, Hunt SE, Greenspan SL. Relationship between thigh muscle strength, competitive exercise, and BMD in elderly athletes and controls. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 40(5) Supplement 1:S27, May 2008.

Hunt SE, Goss F, Robertson R, Greenspan SL, and McCrory JL. Age related differences in regional body composition in elite competitive older athletes and healthy controls. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 40(5) Supplement 1:S1, May 2008.

Wilson R, Welikonich M, Kim Y, Hunt S, Goss F, Aaron D, Robertson RJ. Evaluation of Anticipation Bias for RPE During A Cycle Ergometer Perceptual Production Protocol Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 40(5) Supplement 1:S264, May 2008.

Hunt SE, Goss F, Robertson R, Greenspan SL, and McCrory JL. Age related differences in regional body composition in elite competitive older athletes and healthy controls. Proceedings of the 2008 Annual meeting of the Southeast Regional Conference of the American College of Sports Medicine. Birmingham, AL. February 14-16, 2008.

S.E. Hunt, DiAlesandro, A., Lambright, G, Williams, D., and Aaron, D., FACSM Predicted and Actual Leg Pain and Perceived Exertion during Cycle Exercise in Young Women. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 39(5) Supplement:S485, May 2007

McCrory, J.L., FACSM, A.J. Salacinski, S.E. Hunt, and S.L. Greenspan, Isometric Thigh Muscle Strength in Elite Senior Athletes. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 39(5) Supplement:S51, May 2007.

Schafer, M., S. Thekkada, M. Gallagher, Jr., S. Hunt, F. Goss, FACSM., D. Aaron, FACSM., R. Robertson, FACSM. Validation of the OMNI RPE Seven Day Effort Recall Questionnaire Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, Volume 38:5 Supplement.

Sellhorst SH, Easley EA, Increasing Potential and Widening Horizons: Promoting Undergraduate Research at a 2 year Regional Campus, Council on Undergraduate Research: Undergraduate Research Collaborations Conference, June 28th, 2017.

Sellhorst, S.H., Thomas, K.L., Riner, W.F. FACSM Relation of Common Field Measures of Body Composition and DXA in Older Adults Proceedings of the 59th Annual meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine. May 2012

Hunt SE, Goss, F, Robertson R, Greenspan SL, and McCrory JL. The relationship between regional bone mineral density and body composition in elite competitive older athletes and healthy controls. Proceedings of the 56th Annual meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine. Seattle, WA. May 27-30, 2009

Hunt SE, Goss, F, Robertson R, Greenspan SL, and McCrory JL. The relationship between regional bone mineral density and body composition in elite competitive older athletes and healthy controls. Proceedings of the 2009 Annual meeting of the Southeast Region of the American College of Sports Medicine Birmingham AL February 12-14, 2009

McCrory JL, Salacinski AJ, Hunt SE, Greenspan SL. Relationship between thigh muscle strength, competitive exercise, and BMD in elderly athletes and controls. ACSM’s 55th Annual Meeting, 2008

Hunt SE, Goss F, Robertson R, Greenspan SL, and McCrory JL. Age related differences in regional body composition in elite competitive older athletes and healthy controls. ACSM’s 55th Annual Meeting, 2008.

Wilson R, Welikonich M, Kim Y, Hunt S, Goss F, Aaron D, Robertson RJ. Evaluation of Anticipation Bias for RPE During A Cycle Ergometer Perceptual Production Protocol ACSM’s 55th Annual Meeting, 2008

Hunt SE, Goss F, Robertson R, Greenspan SL, and McCrory JL. Age related differences in regional body composition in elite competitive older athletes and healthy controls. Southeast Regional Conference of the ACSM, 2008.

S.E. Hunt, DiAlesandro, A., Lambright, G, Williams, D., and Aaron, D., FACSM Predicted and Actual Leg Pain and Perceived Exertion during Cycle Exercise in Young Women. ACSM’s 54th Annual Meeting, 2007.

McCrory, J.L., FACSM, A.J. Salacinski, S.E. Hunt, and S.L. Greenspan, Isometric Thigh Muscle Strength in Elite Senior Athletes. ACSM’s 54th Annual Meeting, 2007.

S.E. Hunt, DiAlesandro, A., Lambright, G, Williams, D., and Aaron, D., FACSM Predicted and Actual Leg Pain and Perceived Exertion during Cycle Exercise in Young Women. Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference of ACSM, 2006.

McCrory, J.L., FACSM, A.J. Salacinski, S.E. Hunt, and S.L. Greenspan, Isometric Thigh Muscle Strength in Elite Senior Athletes. Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference of ACSM, 2006.

Schafer, M., S. Thekkada, M. Gallagher, S. Hunt, F. Goss FACSM, D. Aaron FACSM, R.
Robertson FACSM. Validation of the OMNI RPE Seven Day Effort Recall Questionnaire. ACSM’s 53rd Annual Meeting, 2006. Slide presentation.

Schafer, M., S. Thekkada, M. Gallagher, Jr., S. Hunt, F. Goss, FACSM., D. Aaron, FACSM., R. Robertson, FACSM. Validation of the OMNI RPE Seven Day Effort Recall Questionnaire Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference of ACSM, 2005.


August 2004 – August 2007 Doctor of Philosophy, Exercise Physiology
University of Pittsburgh, School of Education,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15261

January 1999 – May 2001 Master of Science, Community Health Promotion
West Virginia University, School of Medicine, Morgantown, West Virginia 26506

August 1994 – December 1998 Bachelor of Science, Exercise Physiology
West Virginia University, School of Medicine, Morgantown, West Virginia 26506


Body Composition