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Russell House

Posting and Promotion Guidelines

Several resources exist at the Russell House for promotional purposes, including flyers/posters, banners, digital displays and USC online calendars.


  1. The Russell House has designated bulletin/display boards for the purpose of posting notices from university units and student organizations.
    1. The RH can accept seven total posters for display.
    2. 11x17 is the maximum size for posters and flyers.
    3. The poster/flyer must include the name of the university unit/student organization to be approved for posting the Russell House.
  2. Deliver up to 2 copies of your poster/flyer to the 2nd floor Information Desk for hanging
    1. All flyers and posters must be approved at the RH 2nd Floor Information Desk
    2. Each poster will be stamped with a removal date posted on the flyer, 2 weeks from posting date or day after the event, whichever is 
    3. The materials will be removed by RH Operations staff based on the displayed removal date.
  3. Please note that any materials displayed on RH display board on non-designated areas will be removed and disposed of. Please contact the Russell House Information Desk at (803) 777-3196 for more information.


Greene Street and Russell House Patio Banner Wall

Banners may be hung on the Greene Street wall or Russell House patio balcony on a first come/first served basis.  Only registered student organizations and university departments may hang banners and the name of the university unit/student organization must be on the banner to be approved for posting.

Banner Procedures

  1. Space is available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
    1. It is recommended that banners be vinyl or some weather-proof material.
    2. Greene St size: 115”X52” (horizontal) to include metal grommets on all 4 corners and across the top for ease in hanging
    3. RH Patio size: 96”X31” (vertical)  to include metal grommets across the top for ease in hanging
    4. These are suggested sizes for scale of the space and legibility, you may make the banner any size you choose
  2. Submit the Banner Request form HERE
    1. Include start and end date for placement
    2. Include the general message/spirit of your banner (promoting recruitment, event attendance, applications, expression, etc.)
  3. Once Reservation is confirmed, an appointment will be scheduled to hang your banner in your desired location.
  4. RH event services will remove the banner at the end date and keep for 3 business days. If not picked up in 3 business days, the banner will be disposed of.
    1. Russell House will provide all materials to hang the banner
  5. The Russell House is not responsible if the banner is stolen, damaged or thrown away.


Digital Displays

The Russell House offers 3 electronic displays for digital promotion of university messages, events and activities.  Only registered student organizations and university departments may promote on the digital display boards.  The name of the university unit/student organization must be on the graphic for display.

Submission Procedures

  1. Upload digital files for display through the on-line submission form.
  2. All digital files MUST be in .jpeg
  3. RH offers portrait and landscape orientations.
    1. Portrait-oriented displays must be sized at 1080 pixels x 1920 pixels. These are located in the 1st and 2nd floor lobbies.
    2. Landscape-oriented display displays must be sized 1920 pixels x 1080 pixels. It is located in the 2nd floor lobby.

If you wish to utilize the digital display in the Leadership & Service Center, contact (803) 777-7130 or


USC Online Calendars

To help increase visibility about your event, you may put a description on official USC calendars which can be viewed on the website.

  • All online USC calendars are connected to 25 Live.
  • You can select who you want to see your event (diversity, grad students, staff, etc.).
  • Make sure to add a description when completing the online form.
  • Almost all events need to be at a location available on 25 Live. Contact Event and Information services at 803 777-8182 for more information.


Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.