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Russell House

Reservation FAQ's

Use of the Russell House and associated university union facilities is governed by University policy STAF 3.25 “Scheduling University Union Facilities”.  Additional policies that impact the use of university union space can be found below.

BUSA 1.00 University Dining Services

BUSA 1.03 Catering for Student Organizations

BUSA 7.05 Payment/Reimbursement for Personal Consumption Items at Employee’s HQ

STAF 3.02 Alcohol Policy and Guidelines for the University Community

 STAF 3.10 Student Organizations

STAF 3.22 Fundraising by Student Organizations

STAF 6.26 Student Code of Conduct

UNIV 6.00 Freedom of Expression and Access to Campus


Reservation FAQ's

  1. All reservation requests directed to the Russell House Event Services office via the 25Live system will be processed within 72 business hours (Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.) of submission.
    • Expect delays at start of each semester due to high volume of requests.
  2. Russell House Meeting Rooms include 203, 205, 302, 303, 304, 305, 315, 322
  3. Russell House Conference Rooms include SEC Room (201), Witten Room (301) and room 348.
  4. Russell House special event spaces are referred to as Showcase Spaces. They include the Russell House Ballroom (all sections and combinations), Russell House Theater, Russell House Patio, Davis Field l & ll (entire spaces) Greene St (entire street and portion designated ‘Greene St Middle’), and Russell Underground.
  5. Individual tabling spaces for recruitment, event marketing, fundraising, etc. may take place in outdoor spaces or indoors at the 2nd floor lobby tables for single dates or on a recurring basis.
  6. Meeting spaces are scheduled based on availability and may be reserved for single dates or on a recurring basis.
  1. Amplified sound may occur on Greene St., Russell House Patio and Davis Fields between 11 a.m. – dusk,  Monday – Friday.
  2. Amplified sound outside of these hours or on the weekends is approved on a per event basis via request to RHUU director or designee.
  3. To avoid conflicting amplification, only one professional sound vendor (ex: professional DJ, performance sound, etc.) may take place at any given time and will negate use of amplification in other outdoor areas.
  4. Volume for all events using amplified must not exceed 90 decibels.
  5. Radio edits/radio mix versions shall be used to make them suitable for public airplay.
  1. The use of decorations and event signage must be discussed and approved during the event planning process with Event Services.
  2. The placement of any signage or decoration with tacks, glue, pins, or decorations on walls, doors, windows, lights, or any other part of the building or furnishings is strictly prohibited.
  3. The presence or use of glitter and confetti is prohibited in the Russell House or other University Union facilities.
  4. Directional signs or other flyers may not be affixed on any wall, surface or window of the Russell House or other university union facility. Sign stanchions will be provided as part of your event planning process.  See Russell House Posting and Promotions guidelines for details and options.
  5. No candles (exceeding the size of tea lights), incense, dry ice, or other flame or smoke producing devices or flammable materials are allowed.
  6. All decorations and signage must be removed at the end of the event. Any materials left behind may be thrown out/destroyed depending on the operational and space needs of the facility.
  7. Problems, damages, or special requests should be reported immediately to the RHUU staff on duty.
  8. All costs of repair for damages and/or special clean-up related to violations of these decoration and signage guidelines will be billed to the sponsoring organization or department.
  1. Recurring reservations in Russell House meeting/conference rooms may not exceed 90 minutes.
  2. Recurring reservations for Student Organizations in academic buildings may not exceed 60 minutes.

Chalking is not permitted on any outdoor surfaces. This includes the building, grounds, furniture, Greene Street, Russell House Patio or Pickens Street Pedestrian Bridge, etc.

  1. Based on the attendance, location, cash-handling, event start and end times and campus climate, university police and/or security personnel may be required for a reservation.
  2. Event logistics and need for security personnel must be discussed and approved during the event planning process with Event Services.
  3. Fees may apply per will be billed to the sponsoring organization or department.

Please follow the guidelines regarding cancellations.  Do Not Cancel any space in 25Live.


Cancellation of meeting(s):

  1. Cancellations of meetings must be received via e-mail to Russell House Event Services at before 5 p.m. the day before the scheduled event.
  2. If your organization no-shows for recurring reservations more than three times in a semester, your space may be cancelled and eligibility for future reservations may be affected.
  3. For recurring meeting times, please be considerate to the rest of the university community and cancel meeting dates that you are not using. Those spaces may be made available for other facility users.


Cancellation of tablings:

  1. Cancellations of tablings must be received via e-mail to Russell House Event Services at before 5 p.m the day before the scheduled event.
  2. If your organization no-shows for recurring tablings more than three times in a semester, your space may be canceled and eligibility for future reservations may be affected.


Cancellation of Showcase Spaces:

  1. Cancellations of reservations in RH showcase spaces must be received via e-mail to Russell House Event Services at at least 72 business hours prior to event start in order to avoid cancellation fees.
  2. Any confirmed event cancelled within 72-hours in a Russell House showcase space is subject to the Russell House Service Fee.
  3. If your event included scheduled event/specialty staff, the client remains responsible for that cost, regardless if the cancellation request is received within 72 hours.
  4. A good rule of thumb is to cancel any event in a showcase event 5 business days prior to scheduled date.
  5. Failure to follow cancellation procedures will result in the Russell House Service Fee being assessed for your event (and may include other charges).

Outdoor events at the Russell House are an integral part of campus life at the University of South Carolina. Should weather force alterations of event plans, please consider the following:

Rain Locations and Rain Dates

  1. For any outdoor event, indoor locations may be reserved as a Rain Location for contingency management. If you wish to hold an indoor space as a rain location, please request in the 25Live scheduling process or during the event planning process with Event Services.
    1. Rain locations are granted based on availability.
    2. Same-day rain locations in the 2nd Floor Lobby will be made available on a first-come, first-served basis. Please contact the RH Event Services office.
  2. Rain dates may also be held for contingency management, particularly for showcase events or those who involve no-university vendors/organizations.
    1. Rain dates are granted based on availability.

Event Cancellation for Inclement Weather

  1. Rain or other inclement weather (sleet, sleet/snow, extreme cold/heat) can prompt the suspension of outdoor activity.
  2. Inclement Weather cancellations by Russell House staff may be made at any time, based on changing weather patterns and public safety.
  3. In the event of an inclement weather cancellation, clients with confirmed outdoor events will be contacted by RH Event Services to inform and offer:
    1. a reschedule date; or
    2. alternate space in an available indoor location.
  4. No fees are assessed for inclement weather cancellations.
  1. Student Organization fundraising is outlined in STAF 3.22, Fundraising for Student Organizations
  2. Intent to fundraise shall be disclosed in the 25Live scheduling process or during the event planning process with Event Services
  3. Organizations are encouraged to use web-based platforms or cash apps when engaging in fundraising. The exchange of cash is discouraged.
  4. Lotteries, raffles, and games of chance must be in accordance with South Carolina state law.

Commercial solicitation is defined as any campus activity that directly results in a sale or could result in future sales. 

  1. Commercial Solicitation generally includes the presence of a non-university vendor, business, sponsor, or other entity who receives access to students via a university unit or student organization.
  2. Commercial solicitation must be discussed and approved during the25Live scheduling and event planning process with Event Services.
  3. Commercial solicitation may take place in any reservable space in the Russell House University union.
  4. A representative of the sponsoring organization must host and be present with the outside vendor for the duration of the commercial solicitation reservation.
  5. All event planning will be held in conjunction with the RH Event Services office, the sponsoring university unit/student organization, and the non-university vendor to ensure communication of applicable university policies and guidelines.
    1. Commercial solicitation must not conflict with any existing university contract or relationship.
    2. The Russell House reserves the right to deny any commercial solicitation as it sees fit.
  6. Fees will apply based on the scope of the solicitation.
    1. All solicitation fees must be received by the RH Event Services Office prior to the event taking place. Any exception to payment timeline must be approved by RH Event Services prior to the event date.
  7. A solicitation event may not place an undue burden on campus facilities, interfere with the use of campus facilities by other persons, or disrupt normal operations.
  8. All applicable policies regarding events, advertising/marketing and decoration and signage must be followed by the vendor and sponsoring entity. The sponsoring entity of the vendor will be held accountable to violations by their guests.

Non-Commercial solicitation involves distribution by students individually or as members of student organizations of leaflets, brochures or other written material, or oral speech by them to a passerby, conducted without intent to obtain commercial or private pecuniary gain.  Examples include sharing meeting information, passing out handbills to attend an event, promoting engagement in an initiative, etc.    The following guidelines are considered

  1. Non-Commercial solicitation can occur as part of a scheduled reservation or occur in outdoor areas of the Russell House University Union.
  2. When not part of a scheduled reservation, non-commercial solicitation generally involves members sharing leaflets and flyers on a roving basis in outdoor areas.

University units, student organizations and non-affiliated persons may engage in public speaking or spontaneous expression in university union facilities per university policy UNIV 6.00

  1. Public speaking is formal, face-to-face, speaking of a single person to a group of listeners, excluding instructional context. This is often associated with individuals invited to speak or perform as part of a scheduled reservation. 
  2. Spontaneous expression means could be meetings, public speaking, performances, demonstrations, rallies, vigils, and other events by members of the University community, including students, student organizations, as well as outside groups visiting campus whose expression is protected by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
  3. Spontaneous expression can occur with advanced planning and a scheduled reservation or upon arrival to campus. Contact RH Event Services at 803-777-8182 or for additional details.
  4. Please visit UNIV 6.00 to review Limits on Permissible Expression and Exclusions as it relates to speech on campus. 

Food may be consumed in all indoor and outdoor locations of the Russell House University Union.  The presence of food at an event shall be disclosed in the 25Live reservation process or with Event Services during the event planning process.   Food Categories include:

  1. Brown Bag – presence of food wherein attendees bring their own meal or consumable items. Food is not provided by the event sponsor at a Brown Bag
  2. Potluck – presence of food where all attendees are from the sponsoring organization (ie, ‘members’ and there is no public/open invitation to join the activity) and food is provided by the sponsoring organization or its member-attendees. This is not commercially packaged food or meals, but items prepared by those in attendance.
  3. Snacks – food items that are pre-packaged and shared at an event. This could be drinks, chips, candy, cookies, pizza slices, etc., and are not intended to be a meal per attendee.
  4. Bake Sales – sale of homemade pastries, dessert items or snack bags that serve as a fundraiser for a student organization.
  5. Catering – Defined by BUSA 7.05 as a “predetermined menu for all participants at a function or meeting”. Catering is generally used at receptions, banquets, luncheons, breakfasts, cookouts, conference meals, etc.
    • If the presence of food at your event qualifies as catering, you will be directed to Horseshoe Catering to coordinate details.
    • Horseshoe Catering is the only entity who can give an exemption to the policy for catering in university union facilities.
  6. Fees may apply for any event where food is served at the Russell House. Please refer to schedule of fees or call Event Services for more information.
    • Bake Sales hosted by student organizations are exempt from fees.
  1. Any event held in university union facilities that involves the use of alcoholic beverages must comply with all regulations governing the use of alcohol per University policy STAF 3.02.
  2. The intention to serve alcohol shall be disclosed in the 25Live reservation process or with Event Services during the event planning process.
  1. Completion and approval of an Alcohol Event Registration form is required for all university organizations hosting a function involving the consumption of alcohol in the Russell House University Union.

Rutledge Chapel is open to the university community from 8 a.m.- 7 p.m., Monday through Friday, as a place for prayer, meditation, and reflection.  


Rutledge Chapel may be reserved by university units and student organizations for special events that are of ritual or ceremonial nature. Events such as general meetings (one-off or recurring), concerts, recitals or any event not determined to be classified as ceremonial or ritual will not be scheduled for Rutledge Chapel.  Due to the historic nature of Rutledge Chapel, all reservations must comply with the following guidelines:

  1. A university unit/student organization may reserve Rutledge Chapel a maximum 2 times in a 30-day period when the academic calendar is in session.
  2. Food/beverage service in Rutledge Chapel is strictly prohibited.
  3. Furniture in Rutledge Chapel should not be re-arranged. This includes the front alter, foyer and green room. The desire to adjust furniture layout shall be disclosed in the 25Live reservation process or during event planning with Event Services.
  4. The use of candles must be discussed in the event planning process with Event Services. Dripless candles must be used.
  5. The placement of any signage or decoration with tacks, glue, pins, or embellishments on walls, doors, windows, lights, or any other part of the building or furnishings is strictly prohibited.
    1. Items such as exterior door wreaths, table centerpieces and place cards may be permitted with prior approval from Event Services during the event planning process.
  6. Events scheduled in Rutledge Chapel outside of normal business hours (M-F 8:30A- 5P), require a staff attendant who must be present for the duration of the event. The fee for this staff member will be paid for in advance by the sponsoring group.
  7. If events utilizing a staffing attendant exceed the confirmed reservation, additional fees will be assessed to the organization for the extended hours and staffing.
  8. If your event included scheduled event/specialty staff, the client remains responsible for that cost, regardless if the cancellation request is received within 72 hours.

The pedestrian bridge that crosses Pickens Street is known as Pickens Street Bridge (PSB) and is used for basic tabling reservations. The following guidelines apply to use of PSB:

  1. Tabling on PSB may take place between the hours of 8am – 3pm.
  2. No equipment (i.e. tables or chairs) is provided by the Russell House for tablings at this location.
  3. PSB can accommodate up to four reservations at one time
  4. Performances or special events are prohibited as this bridge is considered a pedestrian thoroughfare.
  5. Amplified sound from a personal speaker is allowed and shall be discussed and approved during the event planning process with Event Services.
  6. Flyers, banners, etc., may not be affixed to light poles, landscaping elements or the bridge itself

The garden area behind the historic South Caroliniana Library, known as Caroliniana Gardens, is reservable for no impact ceremonies or special events.  Individuals, university units and student organizations interested in reserving this space shall contact Russell House Event Services at for scheduling. The following guidelines apply for activity in Caroliniana Gardens:

  1. The Caroliniana Gardens are to be used in an “no impact” or “as is” manner. This means no outside equipment, decoration or set-up can be used at your event.
  2. Amplified sound or other instruments (guitar, violin, etc.) will be considered and approved by the RHUU director or designee
  3. Events in this space must not exceed 2-hours in total.
  4. Fees will apply for use of Caroliniana Gardens.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.