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Payroll Department

Time and Absence System

Employees, managers, supervisors and department approvers can learn more about the process of time and leave entry at the university with our helpful guides and troubleshooting tips. 

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Access our online timekeeping and leave request system for secure and easy management of your hours worked.



Reference Materials and Training Guides »

I can't get into the Time and Absence system.

Have you set up your network username and password?
To access Time and Absence System in HCM PeopleSoft through through the Central Authentication Service (CAS), you will use your network username and password. If you have questions about your CAS login information, please contact the Service Desk at (803) 777‐1800, submit a self‐service ticket, or visit one of the help pages below.

Network Name Help Page »

Is your hiring paperwork processed and up to date?
You will not be able to access the Time and Absence system if your paperwork has not finished processing, your paperwork is being renewed, or your position has expired. Confirm with your supervisor.

Need help with the Time and Absence System?

All weekly timesheets are due to be submitted and approved by 5 P.M. on Monday, for the prior week unless otherwise requested.

This will depend upon your department's policy. Employees can choose to enter hours each day and save their timesheet, or wait until the end of the week to create their timesheet. Non-exempt employees are required by law to report time on a weekly basis.

If you are a non-exempt salaried employee who fills out a timesheet each week, the hours on your timesheet must at least equal your scheduled hours, or your time sheet will not forward for approval.

First, check to make sure your timesheet hours equal your schedule.
If you took leave without pay hours, use the LWOP-Persnl timecode to enter those hours.
If your position begins or ends during the week, and the paperwork is not current, your manager or approver will have to retrieve your timesheet and then approve it.

If your direct supervisor is away, the TL/ABS Approver for your department will have access to approve your timesheet.

Yes, you have up to 30 days to adjust a timesheet after it has been submitted. When an adjustment is made it will go back to your supervisor for approval when submitted.

Yes. Supervisors and TL/ABS Approvers can retrieve your timesheet from the Time and Absence Workcenter in the Time and Absence System.

Yes. The Time and Absence System allows you to access a timesheet up to 30 days and save your hours. Any leave hours entered will appear on your timesheet as a view only row.

If you did not enter and submit a timesheet in advance, your supervisor or a TL/ABS department approver can complete a timesheet on your behalf.

Hourly employees will not be paid unless their timesheets are approved and processed. It is the responsibly of the manager to ensure that all salary non-exempt employees are completing their timesheets. If you are unable to complete the timesheet, your supervisor or TL/ABS Approver would be able to assist.

It is important to remember that unapproved timesheets cannot be processed for payment. If your supervisor is not available, a TL/ABS department approver can approve your timesheet using the Time and Absence System in HCM PeopleSoft.

When your timesheet is approved, you will receive an email notification. The approval icon will also be visible on the timesheet in Employee Self Service.

TL/ABS approvers are assigned based on their Job Data department. An employee's assigned department determines which approvers can access their timesheet. If there are active employees in your department that you cannot access via the Time and Absence Workcenter, you may want to verify their assigned department is correct. That information should be on their hiring paperwork and is always the same as their funding department.

If the holiday eligible employee did not work and observed the university holiday:

  • Time entry field on timesheet should remain blank on that day 
  • The Holiday will not show on the timesheet as previously did in ITAMS
  • Holiday will be seen in the payable time summary once the time administration process runs on the holiday, independent of timesheet approval (shown below)

If the holiday eligible employee worked on the university holiday:

  • Salary non-exempt
    • Enter hours worked on the timesheet using the REGHR-Regular time reporting code
    • Will receive holiday compensatory time at an hour for hour rate for all hours worked on the holiday
    • Regular Holiday Pay will be shown in payable time summary
    • Holiday hours will not show on the timesheet as previously did in ITAMS
  • Salary exempt 
    • Enter hours worked on the timesheet using the HOLEX-Worked a Holiday time reporting code
    • Will receive holiday compensatory time at an hour for hour rate for all hours worked up to average workday
    • Holiday will be seen in the payable time summary once processed
    • Holiday hours will not show on the timesheet as previously did in ITAMS

The grayed-out row is most likely due to an absence request(s) that carried over into the timesheet as a view only row on the timesheet for a combined and complete picture of work and leave hours for a given time period. To add regular hours, scroll all the way over to the right and click the +plus button. This will give you a new row where you can select the REGHR-Regular Hours time reporting code and enter regular hours.

Only earned compensatory time and holiday compensatory time are taken and/or entered directly on the timesheet. All other leave types must be initiated through the request an absence process and cannot be entered directly on the timesheet.

The system will automatically pay the overtime rate for all hours worked over 40 in an FLSA workweek, no action needed other than manger or TL/ABS approver approval of the timesheet. If your area has internal procedures for compensatory time, the employee must add the comp time indicator to their timesheet (the manager or TL/ABS approver can add during the approval process). Note you must scroll to the far right of the timesheet to add the comp time indicator in the field next to Saturday’s hours as shown below. Here is the job aid for salaried non-exempt employees to earn comp time on a timesheet.

This Timesheet Icon Reference guide provides detailed information about each of the icons that you may see on timesheets along with description of the colored banners at the top of each day on the timesheets. Days on timesheets that are marked with a green circle with a white check mark are fully approved.

Note: If an employee has an absence request in process/approved it will reflect as view only on the timesheet denoted by the suitcase icon on the day(s), please note the icon does not indicate approval status. Approval status for absences can be seen by the employee, manager, and TL/ABS Approver by visiting ‘view absence requests’ either through self-service or the Time and Absence Workcenter.

This red triangle indicates an error message. The exception icon appears when you enter time that the system identifies as an exception and flagged as a potential issue. The most common exceptions are:

  • Invalid Employee Status – employee is entering hours worked on the timesheet for the terminated job. Please be sure to enter hours worked on the active job. 
  • Quantity cannot be zero – 0 zero hours cannot be entered in the timesheet. If there are no hours worked for a specific day, please leave the entry field blank.
  • More than 24 Hours Reported – cannot enter more than 24 hours worked for a single day
  • Work Order Number is Missing – applicable for Facilities and Housing only
  • Partial Sick Absence (LOAS – scheduled work week) – Select LOAS if they are sick for a full scheduled work week, applicable to Salaried Exempt Temps only
  • Personal Leave Validation (LOAP – full scheduled day) – Select LOAP if they are requesting personal leave for a full scheduled day, applicable to Salaried Exempt Temps only
  • HOLEX only on holiday – selecting the time reporting code HOLEX-Worked a Holiday and entering hours worked on a day that is not an approved UofSC holiday

Please pay close attention to the error messages and make the applicable changes. If you unsure of what to do, reach out to your manager or TL/ABS approver for next steps.

When entering time to the minute on a timesheet it is important to remember the decimal place is not the number of minutes worked but rather the calculation of minutes worked over 60.  For example, 3 hours and 34 minutes would be entered on the timesheet as 3.57 (34 minutes/60 minutes= 0.57). 


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