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Office of the Controller

Accounts Payable

Accounts payable is responsible for the review and disbursement of funds in accordance with university policies and procedures.

Accounts Payable Services

Our staff processes invoices from external suppliers as well as all non-payroll payments to faculty and staff.

AP uploads are a way to pay a supplier or individual. If you have 10 or more payments in one of the following categories, the AP upload is available instead of keying each payment into payment request:

  • prizes and awards
  • stipends
  • services rendered
  • preceptor payments
  • refunds
  • participants

AP Upload Job Aid [pdf]

Regular vs. Single Pay

Use the regular payment worksheet [xlsx] for payments that have a supplier ID and either an invoice number or date of service (stipends, services rendered).

Use the single pay worksheet [xlsx] for one time payments to ten or more individuals where no supplier ID is needed (refunds, payroll). Use the single refund form [pdf] for one time payments for one to nine individuals.

Please attach the worksheet, AP approval form [pdf], memo and any supporting documentation with an email request to

Cash advances are payment types issued to advance funds for athletics team per diem & study abroad participant per diem. All cash advances must be settled within 30 days of the ending period for the advance. 

Cash advances are no longer allowed for educational programs, gift cards & research participant incentives.  These purchases should be made using the Program Expense Card.

Employee reimbursement (non-travel) is processed through the expense module. The expense module is an online payment tool that allows an employee or a proxy to create an expense transaction. This tool has strict guidelines and an employee reimbursement (non-travel) matrix for allowable types of reimbursement.

If you have questions about the University’s Study Abroad program, please contact the Education Abroad Office.

Note: Employee reimbursements should only be used if there is no other viable payment method available; this is the exception and not the norm.

Expense Module Correction Forms are used to adjust or correct paid expense reports for Travel, Employee Reimbursement (non-travel), Procurement Cards and Team Cards. These adjustments or corrections may include but are not limited to departments, funds, accounts, projects and distribution amounts. The use of this module will allow corrections and adjustments to be connected directly with the original expense report. 

The form below should be completed, signed and emailed to along with any supporting documentation. To process these requests more efficiently, please place the following in your email subject:

  • Travel Exp. Module Corrections (for Travel expense reports)
  • Employee Exp. Module Corrections (for Employee Reimbursement (non-travel) expense reports)
  • P-Card Exp. Module Corrections (for Procurement card expense reports)
  • Team Card Exp. Module Corrections (for Team card expense reports)
Expense Module Correction Form [pdf]

It is critical that individuals providing services to the University are correctly classified as employees or independent contractors.  Generally, taxes must be withheld from employees, but not independent contractors.  Classifying an employee as an independent contractor when there is no reasonable basis for doing so can result in significant penalties, such as the institution being liable for the associated employment taxes for that worker.

Per IRS guidance, in determining whether a person providing service is an employee or an independent contractor, all information that provides evidence of the degree of control and independence must be considered, which are categorized into three categories:

  1. Behavioral: Does the organization control or have the right to control what the worker does and how the worker does the job?
  2. Financial: Are the business aspects of the work’s job controlled by the payer? (e.g., how worker is paid, whether expenses are reimbursed, who provides tools/supplies)
  3. Type of Relationship: Are there written contracts or employee type benefits? Will the relationship continue and is the work performed a key aspect of the business?

An official University policy regarding Independent Contractors and accompanying resources to aid in proper determinations is forthcoming. 

If an independent contractor, please visit the Supplier Management page for training and videos that walk through the supplier set up process.

If an employee, please reach out to your departmental HR Contact to work through the hiring process.

Journal Vouchers (JV) are used in PeopleSoft to adjust or correct posted and paid vouchers. These adjustments or corrections may include but not limited to, departments, funds, accounts, projects and distribution amounts. The use of a Journal Voucher will allow corrections and adjustments to be connected directly with the original voucher. The following procedure will provide information to you for preparing Journal Voucher eForms. Please attach all supporting documentation to the Journal Voucher eForm.

All questions should be sent to the Journal Voucher mailbox at

Payment request is an online payment tool in PeopleSoft for paying invoices under $10,000. This tool has strict guidelines and a payment matrix for allowed types of payments.


US Citizens - Honorariums are payments made in recognition of acts or professional services for which custom or propriety forbids a price to be set. These payments are only considered honorariums if a contract is not in place for the services being provided. If a contract is in place, then you must utilize the Requisition to Purchase Order process. Honorariums that meet this definition will utilize Payment Request in PeopleSoft. Please see International Payments to Suppliers for more information on International Honorariums.


Stipends are payments made as one time or periodic payments as a part of scholarship or fellowship allowance or other payments not meeting the definition of an employee/employer relationship, as determined by HR, granted to a student. They can also be for fixed payments as part of employment (i.e. cell phone stipends).

Purchase Orders issued through PeopleSoft will require an invoice for payment and/or receipting in the system. Invoices are typically received in the department and should be forwarded to Accounts Payable immediately upon receiving. If the Purchase Order requires receipting in the system, this should be done immediately upon receipt of the goods in order to not delay payment.

Royalties and commissions are payments made by one party to another in exchange for the right to use intellectual property or physical assets for which work is typically copyrighted or patented. All royalty and commission payments will utilize payment request in PeopleSoft.

Reimbursements to students for non-travel related expenditures such as supplies, food, abstract fees and other expenses.

Student Non-Employees

Departments will use the Student Reimbursement form for any reimbursements (non-travel) to student non-employees and send these forms to the Accounts Payable using the AP Upload mailbox, Accounts Payable will then enter these reimbursements into PeopleSoft as a single pay supplier.

Student Employees

Departments will use the Travel and Expense module to reimburse student employees for expenses (non-travel) related to the work they do at the University.

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