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Office of the Controller

Financial Transparency Reporting

This transparency website provides information on payments to university vendors as well as for athletics team travel and state procurement cards.

The University of South Carolina is a multi-campus system with funding sources that include unrestricted and restricted funds that support general operations so that we may carry out our primary mission of instruction, research and public service. All state general fund appropriations derived from state taxes and state revenue collections are used to fund a portion of salaries and fringe benefits and are therefore not a source of funding for the spending transparency website. For fiscal year 2024-2025, state appropriations account for 19.3 percent of the total current funds budget of the university system. Other sources are student tuition and fees (43.4 percent), grants, contracts and gifts (22.5 percent), departmental sales and services (3.5 percent) and auxiliary enterprises (11.3 percent).

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
