In addition to the resources below, if you have a USC email address you are entitled to take advantage of the university’s membership in the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity. There are numerous resources available after you register, including recorded webinars.
- Faculty Awards
- Staff Awards (page coming soon)
SOMG Faculty and Staff Senate Members
- Staff Senator - Nishika Edwards, PhD
- Non-Tenure Faculty Senator - Dr. Chosed, PhD
- Tenure Faculty Senator - Dr. Trilk, PhD
- Clinical Faculty Senator - Austin Raunikar, MD
UofSC Faculty and Staff Senate Pages
- Health Sciences Center Research Policies and Resources
- GHS Office of Human Research Protection (including IRB)
- Engaging Students and Residents in Applied Research [pdf]
- Getting Published in Academic Journals
- Let Our Librarians Perform Your Literature Search
- Annotated List of Journals Publishing Medical Education Scholarship [pdf]Medical Education Research: A Guide for Students [pdf]
Research Facilities Quick Links
- Faculty Order Form
- Faculty Travel Request
- ITOR Equipment Reservation Form
- Space Allocation Form
- Research Seed Grant Resources
- Student Stipend Request Form
Calling All Mentors
If you are a research mentor looking to recruit USC SOMG medical students to your
research program, please complete this form and the Office of Medical Student Research
will help you with the process.
- 2024-2025 Promotion Calendar Biomedical Sciences Professional Track Faculty
- 2024-2025 Promotion Calendar for Clinical Faculty Professional Track
- Appointment and Promotion Procedures and Criteria for Non-Tenure Track Biomedical Sciences Unit Faculty [pdf]
- Tenure and Promotion Procedures and Criteria for Tenure-Track Unit Faculty [pdf]
- Appointment and Promotion Procedures and Criteria for Non-Tenure Track Clinical Sciences Unit Faculty (version - July 2018)
- Candidate Template [pdf]
- Job Description with Time Distribution Template [pdf]
- Teaching Summary Template [pdf]
- Tenure and Promotion Calendars for Biomedical Sciences Unit Faculty
- USCSOMG Faculty Handbook [pdf]
- USC Faculty Manual
- Campus Emergency Action Plan [pdf]
- Credit Hours at SOMG [pdf]
- Health Sciences Education and Administration Buildings Emergency Action Plan [pdf]
- Faculty Outside Professional Activities Reporting Form [pdf]
- Policy Regarding Faculty Outside Professional Activities [pdf]
- USCSOMG Travel and Leave Form [pdf]
- USC Polices Home Page
- USC Travel Policy
- TRV-Travel Reimbusement Voucher
- Biomedical Sciences Department Process for Peer Evaluation of Teaching [pdf]
- Workplace Bullying and the USC Faculty Civility Advocate
- USCSOMG Sexual Assault Guidelines and Resources [pdf]
- Setting up Your VIP and USC email [pdf]
- USC Insurance Benefits Information
- FERPA Regulations for Student Information and Records [pdf]
- This calendar showcases religious holy days, observances, and recommended accommodations for students, staff, and faculty.
Download our branded background templates. To download, click the link below, then
right click the image and select "save image as" and click "ok."
1 School Can better the World
1 Deliberately Different Medical School
Transforming Medicine One Doctor at a Time
Garnet Palm Tree
1 School Can better the World
1 Deliberately Different Medical School
Transforming Medicine One Doctor at a Time
Garnet Palm Tree