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Malawi, Africa

Service Learning and Literacy in Malawi, Africa

Experience firsthand some of the challenges facing citizens in Malawi, Africa, connect with local organizations and engage in meaningful discussions with their leaders, learn about the impact of non-profit organizations and participate in a community service project. Discover the magnificent beauty of the people and the countryside (no tour buses for us!) and be immersed in hands-on international service learning and leadership activities while also participating in fun and exhilarating travel and adventure, including an African safari and an overnight excursion to Lake Malawi, one of the largest lakes in the world.

The service-learning aspect of this trip will involve promoting literacy among elementary school-age children in rural Malawian communities incorporating strategies from Cocky’s Reading Express.

When: May 29 - June 11, 2024

Who: This class is a partnership between the CIC and the South Carolina Honors College. Half the class will be honors students and half CIC students. All majors accepted.

Pre-requisites:  None for this course.

Language: You do not need to know the language. English is the second language of this country.

Trip faculty:   Van Kornegay, associate professor, School of Journalism and Mass Communications and Andrea Tanner, professor and associate dean, South Carolina Honors College.

Class size: 16

Cost: Approximately $5,000 – Includes roundtrip airfare from Dulles, housing, some meals and several excursions.

Additional costs:

  • USC tuition for a 3-credit CIC courses ($1,550 per class – estimated).
    – An additional $280 in class / technology fees (estimate)
  • USC Study abroad application and required emergency international insurance: $180
  • Malawi travel visa: $100
  • Additional vaccinations: REQUIRED: Yellow Fever. REQUIRED: Malaria medication
    OPTIONAL: Cholera, Hepatitis A and B, Typhoid

CIC Scholarships

The college has $1,500 study abroad scholarships available for this trip. The deadline is Dec. 1. Apply Now» 

Still can’t afford the trip?
Meet with Scott Farrand to discover more options 

Application and Deposit

Do not wait too long because there are limited spots and we expect the class to be full before the first of the year. A $500 deposit secures your seat in the class. Deposit deadline is Dec. 1.

Can't commit to the trip yet because you need more information? If so, submit the application at this time and we will keep in touch with you (remember your spot will not be secured until a deposit is received).   

Apply now

Need more information?

Email Van Kornegay at 

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
