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Department of History


W. Dean Kinzley

Title: Professor Emeritus
Department: History
College of Arts and Sciences
Email: Dean-Kinzley@SC.EDU


  • B.A. University of Arizona
  • M.A. University of Arizona
  • Ph.D. University of Washington


Teaches courses on Japan and East Asian history, with particular interests in labor and business history.

Professor Kinzley teaches surveys of East Civilization and Modern East Asia as well as courses on Modern Japan and seminars on Japanese social history, World War II in the Pacific, and the United States and East Asia in World War II and its aftermath.


The focus of my current research is Japan’s national railroad. I am interested in the structure and operation of state owned firms and the impact and influence of those firms on private companies. In addition my work examines railroad health care programs along with systems for disability and retirement benefits and their influence on broader state social welfare initiatives. I have published recently articles on Japanese ‘welfare capitalism’ and on railroad nationalization in comparative perspective.

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