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Department of Geography

Geographers score at Discover USC

Geography students and geography-mentored students win awards at university showcase

The following geography students and/or geography-mentored students were awardees in the Discover USC poster competition:


  • First Place in their sessions:
    Logan Brodfuehrer (Environmental Science major; Theatre minor): “University of South Carolina Solar Energy Study.” Mentor: Dr. Conor Harrison (Geography)

    Jacquelyn Burnett (Geography & Global Studies major): “Savages, Victims, and Saviors in Film: Human Rights Brought to Life Onscreen.” Mentor: Dr. Meredith DeBoom (Geography)

    Ian Jin (Environmental Science major; Geography minor): “Phenotypic Responses of Hemiselmis pacifica to Changes in Spectral Environment.” Mentor: Dr. Tammi Richardson (Biological Sciences)

  • Honorable Mention in their sessions:
    Blake Gibbons (Geography & Political Science major): “Creating a Sustainable, Equitable, and Walkable City via Improving Public Transportation.” (Experiential Learning & GLD)

    Lillian Self (Biological Sciences major; Geography minor): “Omnivory Effect on the Growth and Development of Invasive Agricultural Pest: Spodoptera exigua.” (Mentor: Dr. Eric LoPresti, Biological Sciences)


  • First place in poster session U:
    Sarah Jackson (Geography): “The Geographic Context of Tornado Risk: An Assessment of Illinois Counties.” (Mentor: Dr. Susan Cutter, Geography)

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