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Department of Geography

2021 student awards announced

Congratulations to geography's graduate and undergraduate winners!

The UofSC Department of Geography is proud to announce the following award winners:

Undergraduate awards

  • The Julian J. Petty Award is named in honor of the late Dr. Julian J. Petty, who taught geography at the university from 1929 to 1967 and was the first head of the Department of Geography. First awarded in 1968, it is conferred on a graduating geography major in recognition of excellence in scholarship. This year’s award goes to Sophie Kahler.
  • The Rising Senior in Geography Award is given to rising senior geography majors who demonstrates excellence in geography. This year’s award is given to David Olds.
  • The Bennett S. Masaschi Memorial Scholarship was established by John and Susan Masaschi in honor of their son Bennett, who completed his B.A. degree in geography at UofSC . This year’s recipients are Chandler Gross and Blake Gibbons.


Graduate awards

  • The Lovingood Graduate Research Award, awarded annually to recognize the most outstanding peer-reviewed paper authored or co-authored by a geography graduate student, goes to Michelle Harris. Her paper, “Measuring the Geomorphic Response of Sand Fences on Dunes Impacted by Hurricanes” (authored by M.E. Harris, J.T. Ellis, C.P. Barrineau), appears in Ocean and Coastal Management 193 (2020).
  • The Departmental Graduate Instructor Award recognizes outstanding graduate student Instructors, who are serving as instructor of record. This year's award goes to Ellie Davis, who served as the instructor of record for a section of GEOG 105: The Digital Earth.
  • Patrick McKenzie won the 2021 Teaching Assistant Award, which recognizes outstanding service by a teaching assistant. Patrick supported Zhenlong Li in two courses — GEOG 363: Introduction to Geographic Information Systems and GEOG 554: Spatial Programming.
  • The Bennett S. Masaschi Graduate Award is awarded annually to graduate students to help fund their fieldwork. This year's award goes to Derek Matchette, whose thesis work (under John Kupfer) is aimed at capturing the effects of an interacting network of factors affecting species composition in Harbison Forest. The support will be used to process soil samples in order to capture those factors.


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