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Department of Geography

Li, Cutter and Harrison receive research grants

Four grants go to geographers

Members of the UofSC Department of Geography have been awarded grants explore topics ranging from national parks to the U.S. electricity system to COVID-19.

Zhenlong Li has received monies for a proposal titled "Rapid Estimation of Visitation Activities in U.S. National Parks by Mining Big Social Media Data."

Li has also received funding for a COVID-19 project: "A Preliminary Study of Using Social Media to Monitor the Spatial Propagation of COVID-19 and Quantify the Effectiveness of the Control Measures."

Susan Cutter also received a COVID-19 research grant for a project enititled "Disparities in Response, Impact, and Recovery from the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United States."

Conor Harrison's research project, funded by the National Science foundation, is entitled "Finance and the Reshaping of the U.S. Electricity System."

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