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Department of Geography

SC drought website honored

Work of SC geographers well represented on website

The South Carolina Drought website was one of the publications recently honored by the SC State Library as a "notable document" for 2018. The SC State Library presents this award annually to recognize exemplary state publications.

CISA and USC geographers played a major role in the website's development. Kirsten Lackstrom (research associate with CISA) and Ekaterina Altman (CISA grad student) developed the initial website outline/structure and much of the content. The Carolinas Precipitation Patterns and Probabilities: An Atlas of Hydroclimate Extremes, developed by Greg Carbone, was an important resource for the site.

Other team members included Tanner Arrington (MS graduate and DNR GIS manager), Hope Mizzell (Ph.D. graduate and SC State Climatologist at DNR), and Leah Moore (current geography undergrad major and intern at the SC State Climate Office).

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