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Department of Geography

Geography grads win AAG honors

Work of geography graduate students recognized at national convention

The 2019 AAG Convention brought attention to the work of a number of graduate students in the USC Geography Department.

Bri Ferguson won the Norb Psuty Coastal and Marine Student competition at AAG for her paper titled “Bringing Science to Stakeholders: Increasing Communication within the Coastal Research Process.” Her presentation was based on the Sea Grant project she is working on with Her advisor, Dr. Jean Ellis, and with Dr. Erik Smith of USC's Baruch Institute.

Yago Martín won the Jeanne Kasperson Award for Excellence in a Hazards paper at the Washington, DC, conference for his presentation "Tracking the Disruption of Hurricane Maria on Population Flows in Puerto Rico through Geotagged Tweets."

Yuqin Jiang was elected as the student Board Director of the Cyberinfrastructure Specialty Group.

Sam Nielson won elections as the Grad Student Representative for the following groups: Political Geography, Cultural Geography, and Religion and Belief Systems. He also won first place in both the European Specialty Group and the Ethnic Geography Specialty Group's paper competitions, and received Honorable Mention in the Eurasian Specialty Group's competition for the paper he presented at the convention.

Additionally, Xiao Huang was selected as the second place winner of the AAG Robert Raskin Student Competition 2019 by the Award Committee of AAG Cyberinfrastructure Specialty Group.

Congratualtions to all!

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