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Department of Geography

Leah Moore named Hollings Scholar

Geography undergrad one of five winners at USC for 2018

Leah Moore was one of five rising juniors at the University of South Carolina chosen as 2018 Ernest F. Hollings Undergraduate Scholars. Moore is an environmental science and geography double major. A Capstone Scholar, she mentors incoming freshmen in the Capstone program as Co-Director of Training for the Capstone Connectors. Leah is an active member of her church, Midtown Fellowship, as well as her sorority, Pi Beta Phi. She is currently working in the Geography Department on a project in climate analysis for Carolinas Integrated Sciences and Assessments (CISA). She intends to pursue a career as a meteorologist or climatologist.

Four other  USC undergraduates — Cameron Collins, Calyn Crawford, Emily Skinner, and Savannah Weber — were also recognized by the Hollings Scholarshihp Program, bring the total number of USC Hollings Scholars to 50 over the 14 years of this national competition. With 25 won in the past four years alone, this makes the University one of the top four Hollings Scholars producers in the nation since the inception of the scholarship in 2005.

Participation in the Hollings Scholarship Program exposes rising juniors and seniors to the mission of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and to our nation’s long history of oceanic and atmospheric stewardship, reflected in the dedicated career of retired South Carolina Senator Ernest F. Hollings. Hollings Scholars are expected to become scientists, policy-makers, or educators in the future US oceanic and atmospheric workforce. The class of 2018 Hollings Scholars includes 150 students from across the country.

Hollings Scholars study a variety of disciplines including biological, life, and agricultural sciences; physical sciences; mathematics; engineering; computer and information sciences; social and behavioral science; and teacher education. The scholarship provides up to $9,500 of academic assistance per school year for full-time study during the junior and senior years.  A required, 10-week, paid ($700/week) summer internship including travel and living expenses is also included.

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