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Department of Geography

Geography grad students win awards at AAG

Papers by Huang and Jiang honored at national geography conference

Two geography graduate students, Xiao Huang and Yuqin Jiang, were recognized at the 2018 Association of American Geographers conference in New Orleans for their papers.

Xiao Huang, a Ph.D. student, won the 2nd place in the 2018 Student Paper Competition sponsored by the AAG Remote Sensing Specialty Group. Entitled “A Flooding Probability Reconstruction Approach by Enhancing Near Real-Time Imagery with Real-Time Data,”  his paper is currently under review at the IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, one of the top journals in GIScience.

Ph.D. student Yuqin Jiang won 3rd place in the 2018 AAG Robert Raskin Student Paper Competition Award among a group of highly competitive students for her paper titled "Social Network, Activity Space, Sentiment, and Evacuation: What Can Social Media Tell Us?"

Congratualtions to both of them!

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