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Department of Geography

Dr. Zhenlong Li Participates in USC's Inaugural New Faculty Academy

Dr. Zhenlong Li was one of 17 faculty members recognized this year for completing the University’s inaugural New Faculty Academy.

Dr. Zhenlong Li was one of 17 faculty members recognized this year for completing the University’s inaugural New Faculty Academy. The Office of the Provost and the Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE) designed this year-long series of professional development, networking and mentoring workshops to help first-year faculty launch their careers at USC on a positive, productive trajectory. New Faculty Academy was kicked off by a half-day of workshops at New Faculty Orientation in August 2015. Throughout the year, monthly breakfast sessions gave new faculty opportunities to network with top administrators and other new faculty members while learning more about the university. Topics included the tenure process, research opportunities, undergraduate initiatives, work-life balance, academic branding and how to be more productive. For more information, please see the university’s press release.

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