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Department of English Language and Literature

  • Debra Rae Cohen Wins PROSE Award

Debra Rae Cohen Wins PROSE Award

Recognized for Innovation of M/m’s Print Plus Platform

The English Department proudly congratulates Professor Debra Rae Cohen, whose work as co-editor of the journal Modernism/modernity has been recognized with the 2019 PROSE Award for Innovation in Journal Publishing. The award recognizes Cohen for her work conceiving and overseeing M/m’s Print Plus platform. Now in its third year, the open-access digital platform functions as an integral part of the journal and allows it to include timely and media-rich work, as well as new forms of peer-reviewed material.

Presented by the Association of American Publishers, the PROSE awards “annually recognize the very best in professional and scholarly publishing by bringing attention to distinguished books, journals, and electronic content in 58 categories.”

Modernism/modernity, the journal of the Modernist Studies Association, is a premier interdisciplinary publication on modernist literature, culture, and art, and is published by Johns Hopkins University Press. It has received six awards from the Council of Editors of Learned Journals.

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