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School of the Earth, Ocean and Environment

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Marine Sciences 460 - Field and Lab Investigations in Marine Science

Learn various sample collection techniques widely used in the marine science community

Beyond the Classroom Experience

The overall goal of this course is to provide students with hand-on technical and field training necessary to conduct and critically evaluate marine science research. The course is conducted in residence at the Belle W. Baruch Marine Field Lab in Georgetown, SC during the Fall, Spring and Summer semester.

Students are advised to enroll in MSCI 460 following the completion of the prerequisite course, MSCI 102. However, this course has an instructor override and priority is given to graduating Seniors. Fall and Spring semester have required pre-scheduled weekend trips. Make sure you can accommodate for these weekends, in advance, before enrolling. These weekends are posted with the course on the master schedule, however alternative weekends may be required due to inclement weather.

Goals and Learning Outcomes

  • Perform specific standard methods common to marine science research
  • Acquire good habits in field and laboratory practices
  • Combine field sampling with laboratory measurements of collected samples using modern analytical instrumentation, with analysis and integration of data
  • Create experiments, execute methods, present the data, and interpret results
  • Identify and understand the ecology, behavior, and life histories of common coastal and estuarine organisms
  • Gain connections between the knowledge and concepts of marine science and methods used to collect the data


MSCI 102

How to enroll

  1. Talk to your advisor to plan out when to take this course.
  2. Mark the required time commitments to confirm you have no conflicts. Fall and Spring semester require two full weekend (Fri-Sun) trips to the Baruch Marine Field Lab. Click the Course Information within the desired section in Banner to identify the required weekends.
  3. Instructor or Field of Study Override: Fill out your advisement form indicating which semester you plan to enroll OR email the lab manager,, with your name, USC ID, and the section of MSCI 460 you plan to register for (Fall, Spring or Summer and indicate Section 001 or 002 if applicable).

How to get there?

Transportation is provided by the University. A 15-passenger van will be available for students to commute from the USC campus to the BMFL campus. The van will be driven by a Graduate Instructional Assistant with driving certification and assigned as an assistant to the course. Students will leave from campus. Students may opt out of the provided transportation and bring their personal vehicles if they have prior approval and completed the required paperwork.

Course Prices and Fees

Fall/Spring/Summer Course Fees:

UofSC Lab Fee (Arts and Sciences Dept Fee)*
Dorm and Boat rental: $300

Summer (Maymester) Course Prices also include:
UofSC Resident (or Non-resident) Tuition for 2 credit hours**

UofSC Technology Fee**

UofSC Lab Fee (Arts and Sciences Dept Fee)**

 **Check with the Bursar’s Office for current UofSC tuition and fees.


Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
