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Department of Biological Sciences

General Directory

Mingli Xu

Title: Associate Professor
Research Concentration - Plant Biology
Department: Biological Sciences
College of Arts and Sciences
Phone: 803-576-8337
Office: PSC, Room 521
Resources: Xu Lab Website
Mingli Xu Profile Picture


My research focuses in plant development. Plants undergo two major developmental transitions after germination: from juvenile to adult vegetative and then vegetative to reproductive form. Correct timing of these transitions is essential for survival and reproduction of the plant. The miR156-SPL module is particularly important during the regulation of both developmental transitions, each of which are under the influence of internal and external cues. Moreover, miR156 targets a subfamily of SPL transcription factors (squamosa promoter binding-like) which are evolutionarily conserved across land plants. We are currently investigating the mechanisms of regulation by the miR156-SPL module and how it interacts with other factors to promote development in plants.


Mingli Xu - Bibliography

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