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Department of Biological Sciences

General Directory

Deanna Smith

Title: Professor
Research Concentration - Neurobiology
Department: Biological Sciences
College of Arts and Sciences
Phone: 803-777-3020
Office: CLS 607
Resources: Smith Lab Website
Deanna Smith profile picture


We study pathways that regulate intracellular trafficking in neural cells. More specifically, we investigate how cytoplasmic dynein is regulated by LIS1 and related proteins in mammalian nervous systems. We are particularly interested in how these dynein regulators impact axonal transport, a process vital to the maintenance of neural circuits and to neural health. Currently, we are studying the effect of LIS1 missense mutations in cultured neurons and exploring how LIS1 depletion impacts nervous system function in mice. We are defining the role of LIS1 in both neurons and glial cells in the mouse nervous system.


Deanna Smith - Bibliography


Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.