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Department of Biological Sciences

General Directory

James Pinckney

Title: Professor
Research Concentration - Ecology; Marine Biology
Department: Biological Sciences; Earth, Ocean and Environment
College of Arts and Sciences
Phone: 803-777-7133
Office: Jones, Room 512
Resources: Pinckney Lab Website
Curriculum Vitae [pdf]
School of the Earth, Ocean and Environment
Jay Pinckney Profile Picture


My lab studies how marine ecosystems work, especially in terms of how they process energy derived from microscopic plants (phytoplankton and microalgae). Most of my work is conducted in estuarine and coastal waters, including the Gulf of Mexico, San Salvador Island in the Bahamas, North Inlet Estuary on the South Carolina coast, and Galveston Bay, Texas.


Jay Pinckney - Bibliography

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.