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Department of Biological Sciences

General Directory

Eric LoPresti

Title: Assistant Professor
Research Concentration - Ecology
Department: Biological Sciences
College of Arts and Sciences
Resources: LoPresti Lab Website
Eric LoPresti profile picture


The LoPresti lab studies the ecology and evolution of plant-animal interactions at scales ranging from single species interactions to whole communities of interacting species. Their research involves many systems and focuses on several interactions including herbivory (including seed predation), pollination, and protective mutualisms. There are always many projects, large and small, in the lab, but the three biggest ones focus on community ecology of protective mutualisms on sticky plants, the interactions mediated by stickiness in seeds (affecting granivory by both insects and rodents), and pollination ecology of the sand verbenas. Research is conducted in field, lab, and greenhouse.


Eric LoPresti - Bibliography 

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