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Department of Biological Sciences

General Directory

Ashley Kalinski

Title: Assistant Professor
Research Concentration - Neurobiology
Department: Biological Sciences
College of Arts and Sciences
Phone: 803-777-2100
Office: CLS, Room 402
Resources: Kalinski Lab Website
Ashley Kalinski profile picture


Research in the Kalinski lab focuses on the mechanisms that drive axon regeneration. We are particularly interested in how the microenvironment of the injured nerve supports or inhibits regeneration of sensory and motor axons. While the peripheral nervous system is capable of spontaneous regeneration, we know that it is incomplete and patients can suffer from functional deficits including pain. Injuries to the central nervous system are more detrimental and can lead to long-lasting functional deficits. Therefore it is imperative that we understand the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in regeneration and neural repair. Our lab is particularly interested in how immune cells are activated in response to injury and how they communicate with neurons. We want to understand molecularly how immune cells shape the microenvironment  of the injured nerve and how that changes over the course of the injury response. We have recently observed that a protein, Sarm1, involved in axon degeneration may be a key regulator of the inflammatory response after injury. We aim to understand other roles for Sarm1 in neurons, macrophages, and glial cells.


Ashley Kalinski - Bibliography

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