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My Palmetto College


Motions currently under consideration by the Palmetto College Campuses Faculty Senate are available on this website. All Faculty Senators and all Palmetto College Campuses faculty members are encouraged to review these motions. Comments or suggestions about the proposed motions may be directed to the appropriate standing committee chair, to your local campus Senate representatives, or to the Faculty Senate chair.

Template for Proposed Revisions to the Palmetto College Campuses Faculty Manual
This form may be modified for use for non-Manual motions as well.

Instructions for Requesting Publication of PCCFS Motions

These instructions refer to the procedure for publishing motions already presented to Senate, either by committee or by individual Senators.

Current Motions

Palmetto College Campuses Faculty Senate Motions

   PCC Faculty Senate *Courses & Curricula Committee *Columbia Faculty Senate PC Chancellor Provost President & Board of Trustees

#8 22/23

PALM 294 Creation

4/14/2023 TBD N/A TBD TBD TBD

#4 23/24

Revisions to Faculty Manual Grievance Procedures



 *BLS/BOL academic/course changes only

Once motions have been approved by Senate, they will rotate to the Approved Changes page.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
