The process for electronic submission and transmission of tenure and promotion files has been designed to reduce the time and resources used to compile and evaluate tenure and promotion files.
Policy Documents (approved by the Palmetto College Campuses Faculty Senate)
These original documents approved by the PCCFS created our electronic submission procedure. Some parts of the process have been modified during implementation (for example, our system does not make use of Blackboard), but these documents are still relevant to provide information and context for our online submission processes.
Overview of Electronic Submission of Tenure and Promotion Files
Order of Electronic Submission of Tenure and Promotion Files
Support Documents for Internal Palmetto College Campuses T&P Participants
Please note, the tutorials below were created for Adobe Acrobat Pro XI. If you are using a different version of the software, you will have different menu options and should consult your local IT person if you have questions.
Instructions for Candidates
Instructions for Teaching Summary Writers
Instructions for Administrators and T&P Chairs
Summary of Reviewer Responsibilities Regarding Security
Instructions for T&P Committee Anonymous Balloting
Instructions for Updating Voting Forms
Instructions for Merging Ballots into T&P Files
Support Documents for External Reviewers for Palmetto College Campuses T&P Candidates
Instructions for Accessing T&P Files and Uploading Your Review
Local Campus Tenure and Promotion Ballots
Palmetto College Columbia
Sumter - Promotion
Sumter - Tenure
Palmetto College Campuses Tenure and Promotion Committee Ballot