All academic programs are required to be assessed each year. The OAA oversees the assessment process for the common AA and AS degree programs on all campuses, and the Liberal studies and Organizational Leadership degree programs.
- Associates Degree assessment process.
- Liberal Studies and Organizational Leadership degree assessment process.
Palmetto College Campuses AA & AS Curriculum
approved by the Palmetto College Campuses Faculty Senate, November 2013
Instructor Approvals
Because the Palmetto College Campuses are accredited with the Columbia campus, and serve as extension sites of the Columbia campus, all instructors on the campuses must be approved to teach on a course by course basis by the Columbia academic departments. Instructor approval requests originate from the campus, and are coordinated by the Office of Academic Affairs, who serve as liaison with the Columbia departments, and keep a database of all instructor approvals on file. When a campus conducts a faculty search, a faculty member of the Columbia academic department should serve in an advisory role on the search committee, and final candidates should be pre-approved to teach courses prior to extending an offer.
Palmetto College Campuses Academic Actions and Approvals
All proposals related to courses and curriculum must be in compliance with the University policies described on the Provost's Office of Academic Programs website. For the Palmetto College Campuses (Extended University, Lancaster, Salkehatchie, Sumter, and Union) the Associate Provost serves as the Academic Program Liaison (APL) to the Provost’s Office of Academic Programs, and should be consulted for any questions about the various procedures and requirements as needed.