PC Implementation Team
The Palmetto College Implementation Team was established in the fall of 2013, by Chancellor Susan Elkins, to ensure a successful implementation of Palmetto College, the Quality of USC Online. The team is comprised of functional area unit leaders (who provide guidance to their respective sub-committees) from all of the 8 system campuses.
Strategic Planning & Blueprints
The Blueprint for Academic Excellence is used to provide clear articulation of academic priorities and goals with action plans and assessment measures. Each academic unit prepares an annual Blueprint for Academic Excellence to provide clear articulation of academic priorities and goals with action plans and assessment measures.
Assessment and the Palmetto College Carolina Core Committees
Palmetto College assesses the Carolina Core at all five of its campuses for both the Associate of Arts and the Associate of Science degrees, as well as the Bachelor of Liberal Studies and the Bachelor of Organizational Leadership. To confirm that students are learning what they need in order to be successful in their careers, student performance is measured against learning outcomes and results are then reviewed. Faculty and administrators are able to discern what strategies are working and what needs to be changed or modified. When assessment is embedded within our institutional system, it helps us focus our collective attention, examine our beliefs, and create an academic culture dedicated to improving higher education.