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Announcement of Search for USC Salkehatchie Dean

A Search Advisory Committee has been appointed to lead the search for the next Dean of USC Salkehatchie. The committee will convene its first meeting in February at the USC Salkehatchie campus in Allendale, South Carolina. Committee meetings that follow will be alternated between the Allendale and Walterboro campuses.

The 16-member committee includes members from each of the following groups: representatives of the USC Salkehatchie faculty, staff, students, and alumni; community leaders from the service area; and Palmetto College representatives. The committee will be chaired by Dr. John Catalano, Associate Provost, Palmetto College, and Interim Dean, USC Salkehatchie.The position description, a timeline for the search, meeting times and locations, and updates throughout the process will be posted on the Palmetto College website. The anticipated start date for the new Dean of USC Salkehatchie will be July 1, 2022.

The search committee will work with Palmetto College Human Resources to receive applications and nominations from highly qualified candidates from across the state and around the country. Additionally, the committee will review qualifications and conduct interviews, including campus interviews involving USC Salkehatchie faculty, staff, students, alumni, and the USC Salkehatchie community before recommending up to three finalists to the Chancellor of Palmetto College. Finally, the Chancellor will conduct further interviews and gather input from the search committee and those involved in the process before making a decision.Search

Advisory Committee members are:

  • Jessica All, Director of Business and Campus Operations, USC Salkehatchie Staff
  • Danny Black, President and CEO, SouthernCarolina Regional Development Alliance (Representing all Service Counties), Palmetto College Board of Visitors, USC Salkehatchie Alumnus
  • Reid Boylston-Chair, Western Carolina Higher Education Commission-Barnwell County
  • Carmen Brown, Registrar, USC Salkehatchie Staff
  • Jacqueline Callender, Member, Western Carolina Higher Education Commission, Colleton County
  • John Catalano, Associate Provost, Palmetto College, and Interim Dean, USC Salkehatchie
  • David Dangerfield, Palmetto College Faculty Senate Executive Committee, Member-at-Large, USC Salkehatchie Faculty
  • Lari Gooding, CEO, Allendale County Hospital, Member, Western Carolina Higher Education Commission, Allendale
  • Ashlyn Langdale, President, USC Salkehatchie Student Government Association
  • Wei-Kai (Bryan) Lai, Division Chair, Math, and Science, USC Salkehatchie Faculty
  • Sarah Miller, Division Chair, Social Sciences, USC Salkehatchie Faculty
  • Fidele Ngwane, Columbia Faculty Senate Delegate, Palmetto College Tenure, and Promotion Committee, USC Salkehatchie
  • Faculty
  • Justin Mogilski, Chair USC Salkehatchie Faculty Organization, USC Salkehatchie Faculty
  • John Peek, Division Chair, Professional Studies, USC Salkehatchie Faculty
  • Brandon Wright, Interim Assistant Dean, Student Success, USC Salkehatchie Staff
  • Georgeann Williams, Director of Financial Aid, USC Salkehatchie Staff and USC Salkehatchie Alumna
  • Victoria Hollins, Palmetto College Human Resources Consultant, ex officio

USC Salkehatchie Dean Search Materials

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