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My Palmetto College

Palmetto College Fall 2020 - Tentative Schedule

May 6, 2020

 Dear Palmetto College family,

President Caslen has just released a statement announcing that the Columbia campus will resume in-person instruction in mid-August for the fall semester. The message includes some of the considerations, precautions and plans for mitigation needed to accomplish a reopening at that time. Please note that no student, faculty or staff member will be required to return.

The Campus Deans and I have worked closely with the Columbia planning group on decisions related to future planning for the Fall 2020 semester and beyond. Keeping in mind the health and safety of our students, faculty and staff members, it is also our intention to follow Columbia’s decision as closely as possible in reopening the regional Palmetto College campuses. However, final decisions for reopening individual campuses and locations at USC Lancaster, USC Salkehatchie, USC Sumter, USC Union, Fort Jackson and Shaw Air Force Base for Fall 2020 semester instruction will be made on a case-by-case basis and in conjunction with our local government officials, communities and healthcare providers. In addition, we are in the process of collecting information via survey from Palmetto College students, faculty and staff members and we will evaluate and analyze responses thoroughly prior to making a firm decision for our individual campuses.

President Caslen will host a virtual town hall event at 6 p.m. this evening to answer questions surrounding this action for the Columbia campus. You can join the event at this link or by visiting the UofSC COVID-19 webpage. As we receive additional information, I will continue to alert you to the implications that are specific to our regional Palmetto College campuses in conjunction with your respective Campus Dean. A Palmetto College town hall event to address any of your questions, concerns and to provide additional information and solicit your feedback will be held in the coming days; details will follow in a subsequent message.


 Susan Elkins

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.