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  • The Native American Studies Center Gallery

Rental and Public Facilities

If you're looking to get fit, host a meeting or event, take in a show or exhibition, or learn something new, we invite you to visit campus. A number of our facilities are open to the public and some are available to rent for private events. We'd love to see you soon!

What's Here for You

USC Lancaster also welcomes people in the community to Medford Library, whether or not you are a student here. We hope you’ll make use of our resources and space. We look forward to welcoming you to the library.

Our Native American Studies Center, home to the largest collection of Catawba Indian pottery in existence, is a great place to see an exhibit, enjoy a lunch and learn, or learn more about the history of South Carolina’s Native American peoples. We welcome members of the community and hope you’ll come for a visit. 


Rent Our Facilities for Your Event

Our facilities are available for rent to the general public and the university's faculty and staff.

Persons and entities renting USCL facilities are required to provide a certificate of general liability insurance coverage which names USCL as an additional insured.  As a convenience to those persons or entities which do not already have a general liability insurance coverage, such coverage may be obtained through Tenants’ and Users’ Liability Insurance Policy (“TULIP”).  This insurance program is designed to provide low-cost general liability insurance to third party users of facilities. 


Available Facilities