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Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning

Carolina Engage Grant

The Carolina Engage Grant provides students up to $500 to engage beyond the classroom. Research shows students who participate in beyond the classroom experiences can more easily make the transition from college to the work force and are more likely to be engaged members of their communities. Complete the application form linked below by describing in detail how the beyond the classroom experience connects to your personal, professional, and/or academic goals. Priority is given to students demonstrating significant need to engage in meaningful experiences.  

Eligibility Requirements

  • Must be a full-time, degree-seeking undergraduate student at USC Columbia or the Palmetto College regional campuses (Lancaster, Salkehatchie, Sumter, or Union)
  • Must have a 2.2 cumulative GPA or higher
  • Must participate in a beyond the classroom experience
  • Must be willing to submit a reflection through Garnet Gate upon completion of the experience

All USC students are eligible for the Carolina Engage Grant once per academic year (Fall - Summer) and twice throughout their collegiate career.  If you have questions about the form, please contact the Carolina Engage Grant email at

Groups of students who are interested in applying for the same experience should contact the Carolina Engage Grant email at before submitting their application form. 

Application Window 

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis so you may apply any time of the year. Applications must be submitted: 

  • At least 60 days before the start of the experience 
  • No more than 4 months before the start of the experience 

Reflection Prompts

This information is intended as a guide to prepare you for your reflection that will be captured in Garnet Gate.  More details about accessing Garnet Gate will be communicated once your application is approved. Below you will find the reflection prompts you will use if approved for the grant.

Clearly describe your experience.

Think about your beyond the classroom experience.

  • When did this experience take place? Where did it take place?
  • Who else was there? Who wasn’t there?
  • What did you do? What did others do? What actions did you take?

Why did you select this experience?

  • How did you learn about this experience?
  • What was your motivation for engaging in the experience? What are some of the characteristics of the experience that you were looking forward to and/or was curious about leading up to your participation?
  • Did the experience meet your expectations? Will you continue pursuing similar engagements in the future? Why or why not?

How does this experience connect to your personal, academic, and/or professional goals?

Choose one or more categories listed below.

  • Academic
    • What specific academic material or academic course is relevant to this experience? Explain the concept, theory, etc clearly and concisely so that someone unfamiliar with it could understand it. How did the material emerge in the experience (How was it mentioned or used?)
  • Civic Learning
    • What is in the interest of the common good in this situation? In what ways is the individual good (yours / others) linked to and/or contrary to the common good? What tradeoffs between them are involved?
  • Personal Growth
    • What assumptions or expectations did you bring to the situation? How did they affect what you did or didn’t think, feel, decide, or do? To what extent did they prove true? If they did not prove true, why was there a discrepancy?
    • How did this experience make you feel? Why? How did you handle my emotional reactions (e.g., What did you do as a result of my feelings? Were you in control of your feelings?)? Should you have felt differently? Why or why not?

Articulate Learning

Finish the following statements:

  • I learned that… (Think about a significant take-away you had, not a statement of fact)
  • This experience is similar or different to what I learned in/from…” (Identify an academic course, beyond the classroom experience, and/or perspective that resonated with the significant take-away you described).
  • In light of this learning I will…(What actions will you maintain or change as a result? How will this new learning impact your decisions moving forward?)


Please take into consideration that this grant is working on a reimbursement process, and you will be responsible for covering monetary costs initially. Reimbursement information is listed below.

  • Must submit receipts within 30 days after you've completed your experience
  • Receipts must be itemized and emailed to
  • Must submit reflection in Garnet Gate within 30 days after completing your beyond the classroom experience

Example Items That Could Be Considered for Reimbursement

  • Conference registration fees
  • Assistance with airfare for education abroad experiences, conferences, internships, etc.
  • Certificate workshops or programs
  • Professional clothing (uniforms, blazers, shoes, etc.)
  • Professional exam prep course fees
  • Lodging costs (for your beyond the classroom experience)
  • Mileage (for long distance beyond the classroom experiences)
  • Ground transportation (taxi, bus, subway, etc.)

Items That Cannot Be Accepted for Reimbursement Include

  • Meal receipts
  • Cell phone (bill or purchase)
  • Dependent care
  • Cosmetic items (hair care, skin care, nails, etc.)
  • Costs incurred by unreasonable failure to cancel reservations
  • Entertainment under federal grants or contracts
  • Expenses that have been or will be paid or reimbursed by an outside source
  • Parking tickets, fines, and traffic violations
  • Personal items for personal expenses
  • Posters
  • Tuition

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.