- connecting a prospective applicant with information, a class visit, or a tour? Missy Graf
- the schedule of classes? Susan Kuo or Romona Keith
- reporting grades? Austina Wolverton
- using Examplify for final exams? Austina Wolverton or Romona Keith
- exams (midterm and/or final) and exam day procedures? Austina Wolverton or Romona Keith
- classroom technology (podium computers, clickers, etc.)? Randall Wilcox
- classroom support such as creating PowerPoints, seating charts, face rolls, handouts, etc.? Margaret Crewell
- using TWEN? Candle Wester or Rebekah Maxwell
- notifying students of unexpected cancellations (such as sudden illness)? Inge Lewis
- room reservations for rescheduled classes? Sonya Paulk
- exam preparation and administration? Vanessa McQuinn
- end of semester course evaluations? Margaret Crewell
- organizing an event at law school? Heidi Tolles
- reserving a parking space in the LS-1 (Pickens Street) Lot for a visitor to the law school? Sonya Paulk
- office technology? Open a Help Desk Ticket Here (Select “School of Law” in the field “From whom are you seeking assistance?”)
- building maintenance (thermostat settings, electrical, lighting, etc.)? Eric Cassity
- custodial needs? Eric Cassity
- problems with card access to the law school building, or areas within the building? Gary Moore
- my parking pass? Parking Services
- benefits? University Benefits Office
- travel reimbursement forms? Margaret Crewell
- posting for RA jobs (Symplicity)? Hailey Floyd
- paperwork for hiring or retaining an RA; timesheets for RAs? Ronée Woodley
- having my RA trained to Bluebook or conduct research? Candle Wester
- submitting an article or book for publication? Vanessa McQuinn
- updating the research listed on my faculty webpage? Diana Sisson
- questions about a grant? Vanessa McQuinn
- questions about completing the required annual review? Vanessa McQuinn
Students in School
- academic progression? Romona Keith or Austina Wolverton
- combination and dual degree information? Romona Keith or Austina Wolverton
- an academically struggling student? Alex Ruskell or Susan Kuo
- a student who is missing classes without reason, seeming a little “off,” or struggling? Whitney Bedard
- a student in crisis?
- Law School Counselor (provides consultation to faculty re: a student of concern)
- Student Care and Outreach Team 7-4193 (if non-emergency)
- University Law Enforcement and Safety 911 (if emergency) or 7-4215
- a student organization I’m advising? Whitney Bedard
Student Careers
- letters of recommendation, including for clerkships (printing, mailing, OSCAR, etc.)? Vanessa McQuinn
- a student who needs help with their resume or finding a job?
- posting a job opportunity that I have become aware of (Symplicity)? Hailey Floyd