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My Law School

  • Registrar Office Sign

Exam Procedures

Honor Code

The Honor Code of the University of South Carolina School of Law applies to all aspects of examinations. I pledge that I will neither give nor receive unauthorized assistance on, nor will I engage in prohibited communications regarding any examination. I understand that any communication with another person about the content of an exam or exam answers will be treated as a serious violation of the Honor Code and may result in a failing grade for the course.

Exam Procedures & Frequently Asked Questions


The exam schedule can be found here on the Law Registrar's Website.

Yes. In-person exams must be taken at the designated time. 

Yes, the exam must be taken in the assigned classroom. 


Contact Director Jenny Lanford for information on the process.

No, there is not a uniform process for the administration of take-home/check-out exams. Each professor will provide instructions for his/her exam(s). Ms. Vanessa McQuinn will coordinate with the professors.

We understand that emergencies happen. If you become suddenly ill or have a last-minute emergency, please get assistance. To maintain anonymity, please do not contact your professor. Contact the Law Registrar's office by email or phone (803-777-5221). We will direct you to complete an exam postponement form and provide documentation where appropriate.

In accordance with Section VI.E. of the Student Handbook, a student can petition the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs for an exam postponement in extenuating circumstances. The Exam Postponement Form can be found on the Law Registrar’s webpage and should be submitted to the Law Registrar's Office.

You will receive notice of the decision for your exam postponement. 

Generally, an exam postponement request will only be considered if you have four exams on four consecutive days.
In-person exams must be taken in person. Space will be provided in order to allow student to be distanced within the classroom when taking exams.
Beverages are permitted while taking your exam. The instructor has the discretion on whether to allow food into the exam room. 
The law school does not have a laptop loaner program. 
Yes, you can install Examplify on another laptop if it meets the specifications. However, you must contact the Law registrar’s office to receive additional course downloads.
Yes, you may leave the classroom for a bathroom break. You will be required to sign out when you leave and sign back in when you return. Only one student may leave the classroom at a time.  You may not take any materials from the classroom. Also, you are not allowed to speak to anyone. No additional time will be given if you take a bathroom break.
You may not wear headphones for your final exams. You may use ear plugs only. 
For take-home/check-out exams, contact Vanessa McQuinn during business hours. For in-person Examplify exams, contact your exam administrator. For in-person non-Examplify exams, contact your professor.
No, you will still be required to use your Carolina Card. However, your professor may provide an alternate means of submitting your answer file at the end of the exam.
Each professor determines what is allowed in the classroom for his/her exam.

Check Libcal to see what rooms are available for studying. Unfortunately, all classrooms will used for exam administration and professor review sessions. 

Library hours can be found here.

Yes, you may use an external keyboard and/or mouse for your exam. Please consider the volume of the keys when  bringing in an external keyboard so as not to disturb fellow classmates during the exam.
Exam templates should be downloaded by the deadline provided by the Law Registrar's office so that any problems that may occur can be addressed before the day of your exam. Additionally, having your exams downloaded prior to exam day prevents any delays in beginning your exam. 

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
